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gibbo675 last won the day on August 24 2024

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  1. Dear Fran, I see my ban has expired and you have removed all of what I said to make me look like Mathias of Deuteronomy, so I thought I would post this: I've been really busy and built some lovely models, the POPII train is finished, and to go with it the Test and laboratory cars are well on. The APT project is looking good with the transfers applied and satin varnish sprayed over to seal them. these will look good marshalled into place with the HST-P power cars which are best part painted also. I won't be posting my work because your site doesn't deserve it, most of the contributors yes, but you NO ! Gibbo
  2. My Dear Fran, Only those that display such would be termed such, and as such, if the cap fits, wear it. Wearing such a cap is by the consent of those that place it upon themselves or does that point escape you ? I have not anywhere on this site directly cited anyone in a derogatory fashion, neither would I do so, for I am both polite and proper in my conduct towards all except those that directly attack me. As is usual for such sites, I left RM web for similar abuses directed at my honourable behaviour, I find that the moderators are far too quick to chastise the victims of such abuse. The trouble is that I find that language skill are so lacking these days that any humour that is posted with the intent to amuse is so misunderstood that the misunderstanding turns into the bigger joke in and of itself. Pathetic ! I again challenge your skills as a moderator to produce any evidence at all that I have directly cited anyone, other than myself, in a derogatory fashion and post it below. This has been registered already as a complaint via private email with @BosKonay previously and yet it happens again at the instigation of others not myself. Ordinarily I would converse via private email however I feel that poor representation of victims of those that claim abuse by proxy is somewhat of a problem that completely lack a sense of humour . I do not wish any further correspondence upon this matter from you or anyone else less I get offended at the disruption of my thread. Colin.
  3. My Dear Warbonnet, You have not read my post either and would appreciate that you do not remove posts from my thread especially when I have not insulted anyone except myself. I should be most pleased that you reproduce my original post in full pointing out where exactly I offended anyone other than those that wish to be offended by proxy. So that those with a modicum of intelligence may make up their own mind instead of you interloping. If you wish to administer this site then I suggest that you administer it both fairly and with impunity. Yet again I find that I am being penalised by those that seek to be offended, by proxy or otherwise, and also those that fail completely to understand the usage of words in context and also the correct use of grammar. By all means throw me off the site, you will be left eventually only with box openers and woke cretins and one less original creator such as myself. My most kind regards, Gibbo.
  4. Hi again, Here is a website that shews various test train formations that the APT project ran in the late 1970's and early 1980's for various reasons. http://www.25kv.uk/APT.php Gibbo.
  5. HI Patrick, Here are some photographs of Annie and Clarabel so that you may see how they look more closely. It may be that the Hornby four wheelers could be a good basis for cut and shut coaches. I used Hornby Mk1 bogies however it would be equally easy to use different bogies. The underframes are cut down Hornby Mk1 underframes that were cut down to suit, again it would be easy enough to scratch build and underframe with either laminated plasticard or 3mm Plastruct "I" section. the underframes could then be used for goods wagon projects. The only thing that would be tricky would be to make a different size compartment for first class. Painted faces of the two. Annie, non corridor third. Clarabel, non corridor brake third. Gibbo.
  6. Hi Folks, A little more red paint and some black paint. Here is No. 85 as yet un-numbered and unlined, coupled to Annie and Clarabel for the GNR coaches have been sent on to my friend in Sligo. I shall have to see what transfers are available that are to suit the GNR Light Blue. any suggestions are welcome. Annie and Clarabel are made up from cut and shut Hornby four wheeled coaches, mounted on Mk1 bogies and painted up in Humbrol No.9, they even have faces painted on one end. Gibbo.
  7. Hi Folks, I've been painting the POP II train this time around, it yet requires yellow ends the corridor connections painting black and transfers. I shall have to build some test cars to go with it now so that it may be coupled up to a locomotive, any excuse for more clutter. Gibbo.
  8. Hi Folks, This station on my dock layout needs reopening as it is currently being used as a stacking ground for my part painted APT project, section blocked ! : If I move all this clutter then I could actually fit the stairs to get between the booking office on the bridge to the platforms below. Gibbo.
  9. Yo Dudes, Here is the latest with the Mk1 Postal vans. They are not too far off finished requiring roof vents, transfers for coach end restrictions and the red letter box transfers which a friend of mine is to print for me sometime. The latest work has involved the extra battery boxes and underframe fittings and a VHF aerial on the roof of the POS Dia. 728. This coach was originally built as a POS Dia. 729 however the transfer set had a number for the Dia. 728 so I fitted the VHF aerial which I decided was easier than arranging small numbers and also gave a different roof profile which I decided was a feature worth having. POS Dia. 726, W 80367. POS Dia. 726, W 80367. POS Dia. 728, W 80325. POS Dia. 728, W 80325. POT Dia. 733, M 80456. POT Dia. 733, M 80456. In other works I have been building up coats of paint on various other models which will feature once enough of interest to report happens. Lots of masking tape to be removed on the APT project vehicles as they received the second coat of dark grey which was done in a friends paint shop to prevent bloom which occurred last week when they were painted out side. I shall wait until the paint is fully hard as they were only painted yesterday. Gibbo.
  10. Hi Darius, An interesting juxtaposition there. I have a Mainline class 45 that will be subject for modification sometime in the future. The obvious fault are the buffer beams, although the cab front windows require a slight reprofile and opening out and also the the nose end is not quite high enough and requires building up by about .040". The MTK kit does show certain improvements over the Mainline model and I think it is a better looking representation as a result. Top work as ever, Gibbo.
  11. Considerably heavier ! Gibbo.
  12. Hi Killian, Just like my railway, unusual handmade prototypes running on track with no ballast ! Gibbo
  13. Hi Folks, How about this for some modelling nostalgia from 1984. Good old Bob Symes ! Enjoy folks, Gibbo.
  14. Hi Folks, I have at last got some paint for the V class, I have Humbrol 48 as suggested by various folks on this thread. First coat blue. First coat red. Gibbo.
  15. Hi Folks, I've been painting things today, see below: Merlin 85 in Humbrol 48. Underframes painted black on the ten Road-Railer wagons and also the two of the conversion trucks, the third is in light grey. The Mk1 postal vans had their second coat of blue along with the underframes, corridor ends and roofs painted appropriately. The blurred photograph does make the painted window frames look that bit better ! Tool and riding vans have had a second coat of red after filling the side where windows had been filled, they will need another coat yet as the colour is not very solid as may be seen. BR Std Cowans Sheldon 35 ton crane has had first coat of red to be going on with. I took my time getting around to this particular job as I built it about five years ago at least. Second coat of red for the POP II train, this will also require a third coat as it still has a touch of undercoat shewing through. I have also painted an LMS 35 ton crane black and a Dapol Presflo wagon into grey to match several others that I built a while back. I ordered some more paint the the main part of the APT project however it has not yet arrived so that is one reason for paining all my other stuff that should have been done previously. More red paint in the main tomorrow hopefully three coats will do the trick. Gibbo.
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