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Musdy Water

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Everything posted by Musdy Water

  1. I was more thinking you could be the teacher, rather than a student! Your presentation skills are excellent! We need more constructive modellers, rather than the box opening brigade! (There are even some that never break the seal and the wrapping on the boxes! )
  2. The Facebook link I had above is to the group looking after the remaining APT. Some nice photos on there. Sadly a lot of filler in an attempt to restore it cosmetically. Have you thought about offering your services to the missenden college for railway modelling ? People talk about soldering and electronics being a dark art. But people also shy away from modifying RTR models and cutting and shutting. The course could go through the research, planning stage, tools and materials. Then the practice of turning two Triang/Hornby MK1 BSKs into a BG and a SK! http://missendenrailwaymodellers.org.uk
  3. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/jj5K7QKdKgbfbJqs/?mibextid=K35XfP Amazing fast work! Are you working from plans or just photos for this conversion? Did you make the nose cut with the body and chassis attached?
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