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Everything posted by wood

  1. wood


    Thank you for all your suggestions. I am based in Bandon. I have been working on the problem with David Linfield but we have had no success. We will try removing the chip and see how they run on analogue. Thanks again.
  2. wood


    Thank you for your suggestions. I have tried all to no effect. The locos are still erratic. Stopping about 10 mm after starting. Also on occasion when selected to run (I have Digitrax DCC) the lights and sound both operate but when I move the speed handle to start motion the loco dies. I purchased both new ex Germany. any suggestions. Thanks.
  3. wood


    I an new to the hobby. I purchased 2X Jagerdorfer Rh 2070 locomotives (DCC). They have been unreliable in operation, start, stop, re-start with hand of god, stop again etc. I have cleaned the wheels and track a number of times but no difference. Any suggestions as to cause of problem and hoe to solve it?
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