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Everything posted by Modelrailwayman00

  1. Thanks. Interesting thread! I admit to being quite surprised when I first picked up the Hornby train set controller. Very light. It only happens when I stop the train. I could run it for a few minutes, speed it up, slow it down, speed up again, then stop the train. Then when I go back to it, maybe a couple of minutes later, maybe only 30 second later, the controller won't work. I might have to unplug it a couple of times before it will work again. Odd.
  2. New track, new locos. Hornby controller (basic). Sometimes, I run my loco with or without coaches for 10 minutes or so, then go do something around the house. I come back, turn the dial and nothing happens. I unplug, re-plug, pull the cable from the controller, put it back in and nothing changes. Then I randomly unplug and off the loco goes as of nothing happened. This has happened to me with the Hornby Santa's express and a Virgin train... Any ideas? Is this a common problem with these controllers or could it be something else. These are brand new locos... You can tell I'm new to this can't you?
  3. Thank you! Well I thought Hornby was expensive until I went looking for Irish models Still, you get what you pay for, I suppose. Brilliant!! One of my favourite sketches of all time! 'Got any O's?'
  4. Hello. Newbie here with an interest in model trains ( you don't say!?). Started 40 years ago with an old Lima that my Dad had and now that I'm in my mid-life crisis years, I reckon this hobby will be better for me than a Porsche or a mistress and probably as much fun in the long run So 'hello'. I've been lurking here for a while, reading and admiring some amazing layouts and loco/coach combos. Any questions, ask away.
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