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  1. Manicouagan


  2. Another idea for the track mat:
  3. Hello, this is my new project: a small "Inglenook style" layout (20 cm x 120 cm). As usual, I'll print my own track mat. All your advices, comments and criticisms are welcome.
  4. I have another crazy idea...
  5. Hello, I'm planning to build this layout for absolutely no serious reason except the fun (maybe it's a very serious reason, isn't it?). I found the track plan in a very old French model railway magazine (February 1980). Even if you don't read French, the photos explain everything very well. All your comments, advice and criticisms will be greatly appreciated. http://fr.1001mags.com/parution/loco-revue/numero-413-fevrier-1980/page-22-23-texte-integral http://fr.1001mags.com/parution/loco-revue/numero-413-fevrier-1980/page-24-25-texte-integral http://fr.1001mags.com/parution/loco-revue/numero-413-fevrier-1980/page-26-27-texte-integral My own track plan. A bridge is included but not shown in the picture.
  6. I can also run 00 gauge and 0n30 scale trains on my switching layout.
  7. I can also run H0 and 0n30 trains on my layout. So it's not a real "British style" layout.
  8. This layout is plugged to a homemade controller and a power supply (yellow circle) at the left end. I used one LM317 for this very cheap controller. I put a small heat sink on the back of the LM317 and a car bulb as cheap overload protection.
  9. These few pics below will answer a lot of questions. Hope so...
  10. Absolutely ! This is the entire layout (including the little fiddle yard on the left) on this photo:
  11. Do you think that my new track mat is a too dark ? Thanks for your comments.
  12. Just for the record, I use a cheap printer, some photos found on the web and Anyrail for the track bed (the "trace" option and the PDF function). That's all !
  13. I made a kind of mockup without glue, screw or nail:
  14. A few pics of my first switching layout before I built a new baseboard and I slightly change the track plan:
  15. Thanks for the nice comment. There is a sort of "Inglenook sidings" inside the oval.
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