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captainelectra last won the day on January 24 2021

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About captainelectra

  • Birthday September 22

Personal Information

  • Location
    Peterborough, UK


  • Biography
    I run Electra Rail, manufacturing vinyl overlays for locos, coaches and MUs. Recently, I have diversified into non UK topics and now can offer Irish Rail coach overlays in N and OO with more planned.


  • Interests
    Model Railways, modern traction, European Railways, walking, rescue dogs


  • Occupation
    Director of Electra Rail

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  1. captainelectra


  2. Bob Davies at N-Train and myself are collaborating on a new venture in N Gauge - The NIR Class 450 "Castle" DEMU Having just released the BR Class 210 in N Gauge, it seemed a logical next step to keep the theme running with the 450. I need to start researching the liveries and small details. If there is a good resource for things like underframe details, roof bits, etc I be most grateful. The kit will consist of 3D printed bodies, floorpans and vinyl overlays for the sides and cabs. Power can be supplied by a Greenmax or Tomix chassis, with bogies from Graham Farish.
  3. I wonder if anyone is able to provide me with more details of the Irish Rail Galway-liveried Mark 2s? I am currently working on vinyl overlays for the Mk2s in OO and N and would like to get these 100% correct. Particularly interested in coach numbers, set formation and any close ups of the Information stickers with seating details, etc. This is what I have so far. The windows will be clear on the production version and fit the Airfix / Dapol / Hornby Mk2D.
  4. Thanks for spotting the error with the Mk3 Restaurant. I'm actually quite embarrased that I missed this one. I have tweaked the artwork with correct doors and have also included the Generator coach for your perusal.
  5. I’d totally missed that. Easily fixed. This is why I value forums like this to spot any imperfections. Adam Warr
  6. This is my first post on this forum so, firstly, many thanks for adding me. Thank you to Robert for the mention. I have been doing some improvements to the Mk3 coaches since that picture was taken - please see the attachments. The Inter-City logo has been beefed up with the orange darkened slightly. Not having seen these coaches in the flesh, so to speak, I am reliant on pictures but this feels right. The air-conditioned Mk2s are also on the drawing board in Inter-City and Galway colours. I have made a few tweaks to the artwork for the composite coach to fit the Airfix/Hornby Mk2D.
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