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trainboy last won the day on January 7 2018

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  1. Hi Boskoney,

    About a month ago I tried to order a couple of the H Van packs but encountered a problem on checkout. The delivery drop-down on the payment screen did not include the US as an option. All other countries showed, but not USA. I tried again a few weeks ago but saw that all packs were sold out.

    Any plans to do a rerun on these wagons ?





    1. BosKonay


      Check accurascale.com 

  2. Hi all, Thanks for the valuable feedback. I tweaked the connectors and did some cleanup and the loco seems to be running better now. I do have the air tanks. They fell off when I was handling the model. Overall, the performance doesn’t seem to be as fluid as the old originals, but it’s acceptable. I do have a sound chip installed. Also, I find that I have to turn up the dial quite a bit to make the model go faster, compared to my original baby GMs. Anyway, thanks again for the info. Regards, Brendan
  3. Hi all, I recently purchased a new MM 141 loco from IRM with the speaker installed. The problem I have is that the loco is a very poor runner. I have several of the original 141s, purchased years ago, and the run smooth on my layout. I have cleaned the wheels and connectors to the wheels but the loco hardly runs. I think the problem is the copper connectors that pick up the current from the wheels. The don’t seem to have adequate contact. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Is it easy to tweak these connectors without disconnecting wires. I have attached a pic below showing the wheels and truck. Thanks, Brendan
  4. Thanks for the responses. I’ll follow up with IRM support.
  5. Hi all, A couple of my A class locos are having a problem where one of the bogie wheel sets is not turning. I asked about this awhile ago and I think Fran mentioned that the drive shaft probably required a little glue, as it was slipping and not engaging. Has anyone else had this problem? I opened up one of the locos to check but was afraid to dismantle the whole assembly. I thought it would be easy enough to get to the shaft piece. Thanks Brendan That should read A class wheels, not shells…my fat fingers
  6. George, Thanks for the info….think I have a decoder I bought from Marks, I’ll have to check. regards, brendan
  7. Hi all, One of my A class locos is not powering the stay alive capacitor. The unit runs ok on the track, but when removed , the power stops right away. Anyone know if this could be related to some decoder cv settings? thanks, brendan
  8. Thanks so much for the info. This makes running an Irish train from that era so much more fun.
  9. Hi all, I have a question on running mixed coaching stock. Did the Cravens rail coaches ever run with other coach types such as the Bredin or Park Royals? thanks, Brendan
  10. Great. Thanks for the update.
  11. Any word on when the NIR Mk2 coaches will be delivered? I thought they were going to be available around this christmas. thanks, Brendan
  12. Wrenware and Phil, thank you so much for the helpful info. Brendan
  13. Hi, I just purchased a sound chip from DCkits for my MM 071 loco. When I received the chip it had a detached speaker included in the box and a a square piece attached/wired to the chip. Does anyone here know what the attached square piece is for? The chip did not come with any install instructions and I know that the Murphy 071 loco already has a speaker installed. See pic below. thanks, brendan
  14. Hi all, I have a question on the existing sound chips for Murphy models. I have ordered a MM 567 sound chip for my 121 class loco. I was wondering if this chip could also be used for the MM 141 class, or even the 071 class for that matter. Is there much of a difference in engine sound between the various GM locos? Sound chips are so expensive so it would be great if one chip could work for several classes. thanks, Brendan
  15. Sorry! Forgot to add some detail about how this tram landed in SoCal. The museum plan to run the tram on the museum track which consists of a few miles of track. I was told that they have to raise the height of the upstairs siding to meet safety regulations. Looking forward to taking a trip on it when it’s up and running.
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