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Jaz avalley

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Everything posted by Jaz avalley

  1. Before I return to railway stock I’ll try to avoid making a donkey of myself
  2. And sometimes the railways are abandoned and left to overgrown and be reclaimed by nature
  3. Thank you very much, if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I try to work from good reference pictures,and include all details however small,to mess on the floor,good reference is better than our minds. I have the lucky happenstance to. Have a long bungalow roof, with velux windows so natural light which gives me a lot of advantages. I also use an I;ad or iPhone to take my photos as I can select where the focus is and get certain items to defocus, and I hide anything that screams model from wagons without decent kadees to the bases of freestanding figures, cars or bins or anything that comes to hand blocks off any issues, and I love weathering and indeed playing I usually run a vanilla railway but at times go totally tutti fruiti as it is Xmas I will offer some of the more tongue in cheek offerings that get time on the layout Thunderbirds
  4. Thank you it is always nice to see positive comments Weir at goathland
  5. https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/monthly_05_2013/post-7081-0-96603400-1369588055.jpg knightwing kit
  6. Plastercine moulding kit, left overs, and a cocktail stick, and sone paint
  7. https://PaulBartlett.zenfolio.com/brhba/e3f26033 reference model as bought ,weathered,on layout
  8. From toy to modelrecolouringbasic upgradeThe referenceOn the layoutthe side rails
  9. Hut hut hike? no…more hut i have to say..that’s a lot of pigeon poop
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