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Saint Johnstoun

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Everything posted by Saint Johnstoun

  1. Now with some decals. I still have to find suitable lining.
  2. Both my Mogul and Jeep have now been test run on the Club layout and now await the acquisition of the correct lining, number (and name) plates and final detailing.
  3. Of Course the designer R.E.L. Maunsell was himself an Irishman!
  4. and to complete the story (we do have a GSR K class Mogul) here is another K class derived from the same Woolwich source. Metropolitan Railway K Class 2-6-4 tank. The two Irish models when complete will enable me to tell the whole story of the development of the 2-6-0s and 2-6-4 tanks.
  5. I do like the 4-4-2 tank - a clever adaptation of the Adams Radial Tank. I have done something similar with an N class Mogul to create a SECR 'River' class 2-6-4 tank - I trust I will be forgiven for putting a photo of it on here as it is of course a cousin of the GSWR K1 Class Moguls. The Cab and bunker came from a spare Fowler 2-6-4 tank body I used parts of to create the W class Mogul.
  6. A few things to snag. Footsteps, some under the running plate details on the Jeep and a correct chimney. The tender on the Mogul needs a bit more work.
  7. Progress to date.
  8. I have all the information on the original full size locos to hand and drawings so it was a case of starting from there.
  9. I have UTA crests and roundels courtesy a friend who does bus transfers I have separate red and straw lining on 'Pressfix' sheets and the only way one seems that you can do it is to apply the red and straw separately.
  10. How it's done 2.
  11. How it's done 1. One minor detail is that the top feed has to be added when one arrives.
  12. The CDR locos have no direct connection with those on the list I have provided above apart from the wheel arrangement.
  13. The design was discussed as early as 1940 but the first firm mention appears to be 1944 when work was started on the drawings. Dates can be a pain to define exactly. I understand the original thoughts were for more Moguls but Major Frank Pope, who took over from Malcolm Spier suggested the tank version. It is interesting that the WTs have some features more akin to the Fairburn 2-6-4 tanks like the cutaway front end and the open steps. But for the fact it was desirable to have commonality with the W class boilers, I have often wondered whether taper boilers were considered?
  14. I'm dedicating these two models to the memory of my good friend Rev. Fergus Harris who died on Tuesday and was a great fan of Irish Railways.
  15. They are certainly two locos crying out to be made available as RTR. My interest is as part of showing the development of the 2-6-4 tank from the original Midland Railway proposal of 1905 through the SECR K 'River' Class right up to the BR Standard Class 4 tanks and the WT 'Jeeps'. The plot thickens due to the K class Moguls in Ireland and the Metropolitan K class tanks in the UK. More progress today and I have 'borrowed' a chassis from one of my Fowler 2-6-4 tanks. I need to source a chassis for the Jeep. UTA transfers arrived this morning but I await a further supply of top feeds to complete things.
  16. They are certainly two locos crying out to be made available as RTR. My interest is as part of showing the development of the 2-6-4 tank from the original Midland Railway proposal of 1905 through the SECR K 'River' Class right up to the BR Standard Class 4 tanks and the WT 'Jeeps'. The plot thickens due to the K class Moguls in Ireland and the Metropolitan K class tanks in the UK.
  17. Progress. Running board and tank bottom reprofiled, front end rebuilt, basic structure for bunker assembled.
  18. Preliminary work on the Fowler 2-6-4 body to create a Jeep. Bunker cut down and cabside cut away. Cabside from scrap Hornby Princess Coronation body inserted to create side window cab. The cab was an after effect of the creation of 46202 Princess Anne by combining Princess Royal and Coronation parts. There is quite a lot of further work involved. The rear end and bunker have to be constructed and the front end needs altering - the open arrangement needs the front 'wings' lowering and the centre portion cutting back to show a raised portion. Top feed needs adding and chimney changing for a Stanier one. The lower edge of the tanks needs reprofiling. In the end a reasonable result should be possible.
  19. Preliminary work on the Fowler 2-6-4 body to create a Jeep. Bunker cut down and cabside cut away. Cabside from scrap Hornby Princess Coronation body inserted to create side window cab. The cab was an after effect of the creation of 46202 Princess Anne by combining Princess Royal and Coronation parts.
  20. Drawing as a PDF WT Class etc..pdf
  21. You need to phone 247 Developments to order but Pheonix you can order online. However both concerns give good serice.
  22. I'll keep you posted re my own Jeep conversion. I want to progress both together so when it comes to painting I can airbrush both at the same time. I only have a body for the Jeep but have a Fowler 2-6-4 tank chassis I can borrow. WT Class etc..doc
  23. The top feed was one I had in stock and modified slightly. I think it came from the good old Crownline days. I need to source a further supply as I will need one for my WT tank. The smokebox wheel and handle are available from Caley Coaches. Top feeds are available from Phoenix Precision Paints
  24. The top feed was one I had in stock and modified slightly. I think it came from the good old Crownline days. I need to source a further supply as I will need one for my WT tank. The smokebox wheel and handle are available from Caley Coaches.
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