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Roger Vipond

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Everything posted by Roger Vipond

  1. Hello there, from freezing and soggy London Town ... Let be begin with a confession. I am a pure-bred Englishman, and as such, not sure if I'm allowed to post on this site! But, if no-one objects, and as a Railway Modeller, I have a very simple question ... Prompted by a visit last night from my Irish mate, Gerry Gilligan by name, I'd really like to find out the type of locomotive that was filmed in the opening sequence of The Quiet American. It turns out that Gerry's late father was himself an engine driver for the CiE. Amazingly, he was also present at the station when that opening sequence was being filmed! Gerry looked at a couple of my 00 locos, and said they reminded him of the locos his Dad used to drive. One of them was an 0-6-0 Johnson 3F. So ... If any of you kind folk could help me, I'd love to try and recreate a part of Gerry's history ... With kind regards and thanks. Roger.
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