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  1. https://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000524053?fbclid=IwAR3N1_CkP8-B-Fi7Bt42XeucnZsuApEgjSEpnP9mHlWsCYO_zDSGipRbhCg
  2. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/orient-express-rediscovered-carriages-interiors-revealed/index.html
  3. my friend Leo has put this photo from inchicore out on facebook .
  4. Hello All , can anyone tell me where these small casting are fitted on this model ?
  5. Thanks Noel .
  6. Thanks for your help guys , does this photo confirm that they are NEM pockets ?
  7. Hello , can anybody help , is this an NEM pocket ? it is a Marklin wagon .
  8. looking for 50 euros O.N.O. for these plus postage ( 12 euros ) in Ireland. collection possible in North Dublin . Paypal preferred.
  9. thanks guys , I took another look and now I am wondering about the Marklin startup system. https://www.maerklinshop.de/maerklin/maerklin-start-up/?p=1
  10. Thanks for the sermon David , it is very helpful. Thanks everyone for the other comments. I have been looking online and it seems that the lego system addresses your point in that anything made from lego can be dismantled and rebuilt in a different form . There are lego train collectors out there doing that. I am thinking of a lego train system to be followed by an 00 scale set in a few years. The problem I see with LGB is our weather !!
  11. Thanks Galteemore . He is 4 .
  12. Hello all , anyone any opinions about the best way to introduce a child to the hobby. He is too young for the finescale models we like ,so what might be the best beginners system . Lego train ( maybe in the garden ) ? OO scale starter set ( eg. jouef junior set ) ? 6x4 layout somewhere in the house ? any thoughts?
  13. brianmcs


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