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Everything posted by as365n4

  1. as365n4


  2. As I recently placed an Pre-Order with Rapido for an APT and some folk earlier mentioned the same Company already and their stuff is of a really nice top notch quallity I would only Pre-Order an unseen Model if it comes out of their or MMs hands. I would never shell out any money for an Resin or 3D printed Model what is offered by certain Model shops, sorry. On my hit list are the following stuff: 2900 Class 22k Class 3/4000 Class NIR A Class Mk4s, Buffet, DVT, etc. Mk3 EGVs, Buffet, DVT, etc. Mk1 GSV Dutch Vans and rebuilt Dutch Vans Container wagons (Pocket & flat) Timber wagons Taras Edit says: I want some Cravens in RPSI and Presidential Livery as well.
  3. Does anybody know which Keen Coupler I can use on MM Mk2D coaches? I mean between the coaches it self I use Hornby R8220 couplings and they fit perfectly and the coaches are now as close as they should be. But unfortunately the NEM pocket on the coaches is too high up to use these R8220 couplers in between coach and loco, so I'm looking for a replacement of the Draw Bar, but which one of these Keen System Draw Bars fit onto the MM Mk2D. And where to buy these Draw Bars? Emailing CC Details isn't an option, it's a shame that he doesn't has a web shop or eBay shop. Same issue I have with the MM Carvens, NEM Pocket is too high up and too deep into the Chassis for the use of any other coupling then the bloody useless British tension lock coupler. :-\ On my wagons I'm using these Roco 40395 or Roco 40270 couplings and these work very well for me. Strangely on the wagons there is no height difference between wagon and loco.
  4. Thanks for the link, wasn't aware of the other thread.
  5. The Germans have a TV-Series called "Eisenbahnromantik" and they have aired 2 Episodes about Irish steam so far. (running time approx. 29mins) Ireland's Steam History "Golden Vale International Railtour" published: July 2013 Steam in Northern Ireland published: Nov 2012
  6. Please can anybody enlighten me on which numbers where produced so far by MM. All I can find in the shops is: 5210, 5217, 5229, 5411 and 5601. But on MMs website there are a lot more listed.
  7. Do they have email or an website/eBay as well?
  8. Excellent news, thanks.
  9. I know it's too much to ask, but when is soon? Hopefully sometime this year. On the ESU website is says Part.No.: 97455 for the Class 201 and Part.No.: 97431 for the Class 071 (Manufacturer: Murphy Models) but as mentioned regarding the "reblow" service does the sound file work on any ESU DCC Decoder? But to be honest, I prefer a shiny package with the Chip inside ready to go, like the existing MM one for the 201. Instead of sending a file to a 3rd party and get a chip modified elsewhere. You know just to be sure, the right sound comes out of the loco.
  10. Hi Folks, just after getting my first MM Class 201 Loco (MM8208 ) and some difficulties with Bachmanns new 36-557 DCC Decoder (bloody thing isn't working with a Hornby Select Controller) I finally bought the custom MM DCC Decoder. So far so good, except for the not working Cabin Lighting. But after reading on the MM website and some unsuccessfully web research.I stumbled across =0&tx_esudecoderprojects_pi1[filterCountry]=IE&tx_esudecoderprojects_pi1[sorting]=dateD"]ESU - Electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH & Co. KG- LokSound V4.0 "OEM" this entry on the ESU website. LokSound V4 DCC Decoder for the Class 201 and 071, woohoo, but I wasn't able to find a retailer for these "OEM" Chips. Especially here in the UK it seems that nobody is selling this stuff. I know that a Shop in Belfast lists Sound Decoder for the Class 201 and so on, but these Chips seem to be based on the "old" LokSound V3 Standard. That's why I came here and ask you guys, maybe you can shed some light in this matter. Is MM selling these "OEM" Chips in the not so near future through the normal retail channels or is it just a bubble waiting to burst? Cheers
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