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Geordiekerryman last won the day on November 7 2013

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    County Kerry


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  1. Above and beyond my ambitions and health allows Free to good home, collection only from Tralee area three baseboards 1. 6 foot by 3 foot on substantial legs and castors. Painted. 2. 6 foot by 20" No legs. Painted in primer 3. 70" by 30" approximately. No legs. Professionally built. To good to scrap Keep on shunting Geordiekerryman Phone - 087 679 4932
  2. Thanks B Ridley
  3. Hi After much planning & big ambitions in railway modelling my health has forced me to considerably reduce these ambitions. Hence I am offering for sale 2 Baseboards 1. 6ft X 3ft. 9mm Ply on 3" X 1" timber. It stands on substantial legs & castors. Looking for €150 or sensible offers 2. 71" X 31 !/2" . 12mm ply on 2" X1" timber. No legs. Looking for €30, the cost of the wood. I'm based in Kerry. Because of the dimensions Collection only. Pics by request, Email ridball@gmail.com. Regards Ridley Nichol (GeordieKerryman)
  4. Hi Has anyone built a slope into their layout. How do you make the transition from flat to rise. Peco track, neither setrack, nor streamline bend in the vertical plane. So please enlighten me how it is done Regards GeordieKerryman
  5. Hi out there Long time no speak regarding Bikers End. Laying track at the moment. Completely different to previous submissions. Now, I have learnt a smidgeon about 21st century Railway Modelling in the last few months. But the thing that now has me completely mystified is Signalling, that is placement , type etc. I'm setting the layout in the 1950's / 60's in rural England so all signals will be semaphore. Can anybody out there help please. Regards Geordiekerryman
  6. How are the tests of JMRI going. I have downloaded JMRI, but am confused by the barrage of information.
  7. Hi again Thanks for your replies to my thread on Railmaster /Elink. I've been hearing some favourable comments recently regarding JMRI Control Software used with a SPROG interface. I'd like to ask the same question as before. Does any IRM member use this application, or have any knowledge of its use??? Regards Geordiekerryman
  8. Thanx Boskonay, I am intending to use it with my Laptop, dispensing with my Select.
  9. Hi Everone. I haven't visited for quite some time, but more of that elsewhere. Have any members of IRM got any experience or knowledge of the Hornby Elink/Railmaster software system. If its rubbish, then I don't want to waste my money. Any comments please Regards Geordiekerryman
  10. Do you still have any interest. If not they are going to the dreaded E-Bay
  11. Hi folks Attached is the final iteration of the construction model, approved & frozen by the committee this week. It was felt that a Branch Line should not take the same route as the Main Line, hence the major redesign with the inclusion of a second baseboard now forming an 'L' Construction materials are being procured as we write. Some among us may have previously found and dealt with an English outlet called 'Railway Scenics'. I have purchased the DCC Bus wiring from them. Excellent to deal with, very helpful, good service and good value Now I need more help from you guys. The two baseboards are located by Gaugemaster's DCC Dowels and then Bolted together. Each baseboard is supported on casters to allow movement if the two are disconnected. The help / advice I need is in regard to the electrical connection between the two baseboards. There are four cables in all, two Power Bus and two Points Bus. I have been unable to find small plug & sockets, so that I can quickly disconnect the two boards. Has anyone overcome a similar problem????
  12. Richie, you are the only one who showed any interest in a swap. Please advise further. Ridley
  13. I've been scouring the calendar for the last two months (Jan & Feb) for items relating the above. Can we expect news of any events soon. Is IRM contemplating a Display / Show / Exhibition of our own???. Regards Geordiekerryman
  14. I'm open to any offers FOR THE JOB LOT, as long as its N Gauge. G
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