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About User17396

  • Birthday 12/05/1999

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  1. Evening, I have uploaded some photos from the IRRS 2-Day Railtour to my Flickr page. They can be viewed here:
  2. Evening, The Locomotive & Carriage Institution visited Inchicore Works earlier today. Some photos from this visit are available to view on my Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mjyrailphotos/sets/72157664603600833/with/26022899080/
  3. Ah, that's a shame. They've done a great job on it though; it certainly looks great.
  4. The Carriage Hostel in Co. Donegal have a CDR carriage in use as accommodation. I think I recall reading somewhere that it's a former NCC bogie coach from the Ballycastle line? http://www.thecarriagehostel.com
  5. There were 3 sets sold earlier tonight and I was outbid on all of them at the last second- I'm keeping an eye out for more, but just thought to try here as well as I wouldn't expect any more to go up on eBay for a while.
  6. Hello, Maybe a bit of a long shot here, but would anybody happen to have any GNRI or GNRB tickets for stations along the Scarva - Banbridge, Knockmore - Banbridge or Newcastle - Banbridge lines that they're looking shot of or would be willing to sell?
  7. The 5 At Antrim: And the 1 At Portadown:
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