I do no whattocallit. “Kingsbridge”.
I wanted a terminus station like Heuston, with the return loop hidden by a scenic break, probably road overbridge. I run trains to Cork and then they return.
What we think will fit in our heads and what actually fits are two different storys.
Now I have a fairly big room for my layout, however the first plan doesn’t work, not enough room for platforms with a least 3 carriages.
I have revised it as shown. Because the return loop is done with diamond crossing there was no issue with electrical short circuit. However, the introduction of the Y junction creates a continous loop.
I like the symmetry of the Y junction and it allows for two decent sized platforms, with 3 lines.
Currently, and I’m still just playing around, the single power controller is located at the green track in the middle line.
To prevent short circuits, I have used isolated tracks shown in red as per Hornby Track Plans 8th Ed (£4.99) P. 30.
Lots of switching on/off isolated sections depending on which arm of Y junction is chosen.