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celtjan last won the day on April 25 2018

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Flanders - Belgium


  • Biography
    First visit @ Ireland: 1989
    Train driver by the SNCB, Depot Ghent since 1997
    Member of the Board "Vlaanderen-Ierland" org. since 2000
    age 8: startet with LEGO trains
    age 15: Change to Marklin HO
    age 35: Starts my Irish Collection with Lima 207 'River Boyne' Enterprise loco & Lima set 3 Galway coaches.


  • Interests
    Historic WW1 (The Irish); Celtic/Fantasy events; Public Transport; Ireland Tourism


  • Occupation
    Traindriver SNCB

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  1. celtjan


  2. Thx! Cached a 2nd change to see the Fintonagh layout. (Booked a Shuttle day return for €68 only for Canterbury Exhibition) . See you again! Gr, Jan
  3. Hi! Nice to meet you. Nice to know 1 face now of the forum. After the show, we have visits te Margate shop & the new shop @ Upstreet to. Whe're very well back, @ the Flanders Fields county. (The fasted check-inn's ever with the Euroshuttle on the both sides of the Channel) Here my pic's of the show: https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/albums/72157711818170743 Gr, Jan(tje)
  4. Thx! 4 the info. Jan
  5. OK. Must be "greening" now (but the photo as backscene = taken @ the Sperrin Mtns) still works 2 do for the first real exhibition (as well bringing mirrors on the left and right) https://modelspoordagen.n Gr, Jan
  6. On the event:
  7. Sorry, change of plan: Final days 2 tuning UP, before the first expo. On the cumming up weekend 26-27/10, we will link te modules of the Belgian Modelspoormagazine H0 Forumbaan together with a few modules of the Dutch Britse ModuleBaan 00 groep. @ the OVMV Modelspoorclub TRAGEL 9300 AALST, BELGIUM Had an another module (Irish Layout) in planning for the Modelspoormagazine H0 Forumbaan. Launch @ The Modelspoordagen, Brabanthallen, Leuven (B) (oct 2020) Kind regards, Jan(tje)
  8. The Isle Of Ireland Peace Parc Tower @ Messines Belgium: http://www.visitflanders.com/en/things-to-do/attractions/top/island-of-ireland-peace-park.jsp http://www.greatwar.co.uk/ypres-salient/memorial-island-of-ireland-peace-park.htm Do cum gloire de Agus Onora na heireann 1914-1918
  9. My BMB 00 box = strippet now. Just give a idee of the space. (buildings for my Attic Layout)
  10. Dia dhuit! Hi! I'm new here. And I'm growwing up @ "The Flanders Fields County", in the west of Belgium. A Flemish/Dutch spoken part of Belgium. And the place where more than 70.000 young Irishmen are killed in the First Great War. I'm now 20yrs traindriver for the SNCB, the Belgian National Railways Company. My first Irish Railways models: The Lima 207 'Enterprise' and 3 'Galway livery coaches'. Since a few years. I'm a member of the Dutch/Holland "Britse ModuleBaan 00 groep. Just a group of friends who likes the Brittish Railways. (I Am the only Belgian one, and the Irish driver only) Every one build a module "lookbox" (180cm) an 2 'Black Box'es" (2x30cm). A few times a year, we have a meeting alround Holland: @ 9:30AM we built up the modules; 11:00AM we start the driving sessions alround the clock of 04:00PM we deconnecting the layout. We use the white Roco z21 central station with Roco Maus; Roco App; and Digitrains App. The last year, we have our first invitations on Eurospoor 2017 and Ontrax 2018 (Utrecht NL both). En we go to Eurospoor 2018 again: https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/40761001522/in/album-72157692712780801/ ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/38992863940/in/album-72157692712780801/ ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/40760996982/in/album-72157693723271874/ ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/40760998532/in/album-72157664668954677/ Before, i have support a part the Fiddle Yard modules. Now i will start to built a Irish Lookbox: It must be a 'green one', and maybe with a round tower. (Isle of Ireland Peace Parc, Messines) More information about the Holland BMB-Group (English language): http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/132233-the-bmb-a-british-modular-layout-in-holland/ @ The Duth forum: https://forum.beneluxspoor.net/index.php?board=143.0 Les meas, Kind regards, Jan(tje)
  11. A verry nice collection! Gr, Jan
  12. Almost right! (Who cares ) I'm living in Quest-Flanders, a Flemisch spoken part of Belgium, and a'm a shunter driver (EMU's; DMU; Loco's & DVT's) on the SNCB, @ Ghent. ca 35km of Bruges; 25km of Ghent; 45km of Lille (Fr) (growwing up @ the Flanders Fields County). Started with LEGO trains (8 age); @ age 15 makes a change to Marklin 3R~. Since 2004 by a visit @ the Emerald isle, I catched the Lima 207 'River Boyne' on the Belfast Model shop & @ Malahide Castle the 'Galway coaches' set. It's the faul of the Irish, I'm driving now Irish 00 (diving down now ) The SNCF BB67000, model for the loco on the set, does daily the Cross Border services between the Northern of France & Ghent Les meas, Jan
  13. Fr 23/10 - sat 24/10 - sun 25/10 Jaarbeursplein 50 layouts 180 traders Fair: http://www.eurospoor.nl/en/ Tourism: http://www.visit-utrecht.com/tourist-information-centre Dutch Railway Museum: http://www.spoorwegmuseum.nl Gr, Jan
  14. Dia dhuit, Hi! The new Jouef sets going €100 - €130: http://www.2dehands.be/hobby/modelbouw-schaalmodellen/modeltrein/tgv-atlantique-sncf-jouef-228009007.html You must have the luck of the Irish wit used sets: http://www.kapaza.be/nl/trein-en-spoorwegen/train-electrique-jouef-ho-en-boite-d-origine-97163580.htm (= simular loco as in your set. The model is from the French SNCF BB67000, with the Irish colors) Gr, Jan
  15. Dia dhuit! Hi! I'm new here. Here pic's of my shorttrips: From Roeselare (B) to Rosslare (IRL) https://picasaweb.google.com/celtjan/RousschelaereBRossLarIRLByRailSail#5663666566901060482 Other Pic's: https://www.flickr.com/photos/46742861@N03/sets/72157623123852537 Gr, Jan
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