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Everything posted by joe123

  1. Thanks lads, that's a help.
  2. Hi Folks. What size station platform could you put on a very small layout 10ft x 3ft. 00 gauge. 1.76 scale. If you could give me the length and width please. would be most grateful. Thanks.
  3. joe123

    Scale HO.

    Thanks lads for your input
  4. Hi Would HO Scale 1.87 look out of place on a 00 gauge layout. 1.87 scale compere to 1.76 scale. Is there big difference ? And would HO Loco work on a 00 gauge track ? Thanks Lads.
  5. Great Advice Noel Thanks.
  6. Hi Lads, Can you buy new murphy models loco with the sound chips installed? cheers.
  7. Thanks to everybody for your help and input. If I laid foam or cork, Can I put the ballast on top of that?
  8. Hi I will be lying peco track very soon now. And would like to know what is the best track underlay to used and were can I buy same. Is there any easy and cheap way of doing this?. cheers.
  9. Great stuff, Dave. No worries. Happy new year.
  10. Thanks, Super Gura. Sent him a email. but got no reply. cheers
  11. Good man cheers.
  12. Hi Could anyone please tell me were I could buy Peco track, Cheap, in Ireland or England. cheers.
  13. Thanks lads, And Noel there is some good shops in your post cheers.
  14. Hi Can anyone recommend a good railway model shop that's reasonable in price. any where in Ireland ?.
  15. Yes 171. Great bunch of lads. Its great that you can get sound advice on tap. really good. thanks. will keep you all posted on my construction cheers Joe.
  16. Great. just what I need. And did you say you do dcc controls as well?
  17. Hi guys. Another question for you. When I pick a layout. Can one tell how many track and what type to buy from the sketch ? One more were is the best place to buy tracks, points flexi track ect. cheers .
  18. Hi Dave. That look great too. Its hard to pick one. but end to end is a good option
  19. Good Man. I sent you a pm cheers.
  20. Hi and thanks for your input. Will have a look a both options if it looks really bad I can start again. As you know I a pure novice at this End to end how do you get the trains back to the start? reverse
  21. Great will take a look. cheers.
  22. Even better. Will have a chat with you about the points control systems when I get set up. If you could let me know were to get the back ground scene and dcc unit ect. cheers
  23. Wow that video was fabulous I would love to have something like that. Yes I will go with your layout As my space is and will be only 10ft x 3ft. and walled in on 3 sides it could look go in a few months when it finished will keep you all posted Thanks for all the help.
  24. Thanks Dave that looks good. Would I be able to run a murphy loco 071. and 2 mk 2 on that layout. I Would go with that and with a station or two, added. with a tunnel it would look the business Thanks to every one for you help and tips. merry x mass.
  25. Thanks Lads For all your help. I was after buying the 00 track and Murphy loco clo71 ie ora/blk what ever that means. and the carriage is a murphy mk2 egv super train. will have to give this a lot more thought but 10 x 3 is my space. and it would be a permeant layout
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