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Everything posted by karjoa1998

  1. karjoa1998


  2. Thank you. The Landrover is from Schuco (some models are simular to carama) 1: 76 scale. It was sold only in an ambulance version with a big red cross on the canvas. I painted the soft top over. I bought it 10-12 years ago. I think it is not available anymore. Joachim
  3. Hello, thank you for the kind comments. Here is a second batch of pictures (including 2 old ones to ilustrate the trackbuilding- it is not finescale). Greetings Joachim (I have some problems with posting this reply- if something is strange -please excuse)
  4. Hello, here some pictures of my new layout 'Kilkenny'. The gauge is 21mm with much scratchbuilt items. Much work left (it's only the first part of the layout). Greetings from Bochum Joachim
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