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Lima track conversion chart

Good Afternoon All

After 40 years I have finally started on building my long promised model railway in my retirement. They say you are never too old to start something and I am really enjoying it.

I have a problem! IS there such a beast around as a Lima track conversion chart or can anybody point me in the direction of same? If I try Miss Google anymore I shall go insane. I know- it all depends on what you type as a question!!!

All help shall be most gratefully received.

My thanks to all who can help



Recommended Comments




What is a Lima Track conversion chart?

I hope you are not using Lima track?

If you are starting from scratch I would recommend you use Peco track




What is a Lima Track conversion chart?

I hope you are not using Lima track?

If you are starting from scratch I would recommend you use Peco track


Hi Wrenneire

Many thanks for the advice.

I had found a chart that gave the equivalent of track pieces for Hornby, Bachmann and Peco but for some reason, Lima is never mentioned.

I did some more digging following your advice and it seems that Lima is not flavour of month for any month. Indeed one commentator suggested that all Lima track should be binned. So, I have taken that advice - on this occasion I am using Hornby as I had plenty of that available.

Thanks again for the advice.





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