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Everything posted by TinTin

  1. Thanks for that . It is slow going and is .up and running .very happy the way it’s turning out . Had some problems with wires . And just want it to be spot on . Don’t get much chance to run trains much . The bray station area has changed so much over the years . Like there was two signal boxes .coal station .turntable and a large water tower . And wood3n bridges on the hill which I shall be making . Can’t Waite thanks again cheers in all areas First attempt. As many of you have asked . Got to get that path cleaned it’s in a state ,, windy night .
  2. I have to say . Doing the home work on this project is fascinating. I have learned so much about bray to graystones im quit pleased the way it’s working out . If I don’t mind saying so my self . Not enough hours in the the day for the best hobby in the world .
  3. 25B8D2F0-05D1-4F82-B587-43D7188326AE.MOV 25B8D2F0-05D1-4F82-B587-43D7188326AE.MOV Listen to the rumble of a train coming . I think I got the sound right ,lol
  4. Little bit to do . Tidy and inside . . Just a note I used Metcalfe wall sheets For roof tiles and they seem to work . Thanks for likes . Will put up more photos later today.
  5. It's has been awhile . Only getting small amounts of time Mostly late at night . Bray signal box .
  6. Water tower started . Not enough hours in the day lol. Can’t Waite for tomorrow .
  7. As you can see in photos im happy with progress if it is a bit slow lol. But it’s getting there . I do believe it’s the best hobby in the world .....my world that is . I must say the DCC wiring was a learning curve . But I got the hang of it in the end with the help of the N.C.E pro cab .
  8. Ooooooo Interesting.
  9. I have all the track down and have been testing . Space for station is very tight In 00 scale the rail crossing is as far as I can go before turning . I have been trying to get photos of the water tower at turn table ,but there is always a engine in the shot lol. I might have to make turn table . I have 16 x 11 should have gone the full 20x 11
  10. Thank you .
  11. Thanks David . Have been working hard and no time to do much . hopfully some time is coming my way.
  12. Love them . You made them just the way you needed them and you wanted . Hope my trees turn out just as good . many times i have looked at trees packs and not buy because they are not the way I want them . Thanks for giving courage to crack on .
  13. Ah that's great waffles . That' some tower . If I can find close up photos of it and the table I could crack on . Laying track for the rest of the station at the moment wire for dcc . 17 points . Loving it now it' falling into place . Thanks very much great help .
  14. Love it .
  15. GLad to have you on board Broithe. Got you thinking . I have studied most craves on most of the rocks . For a moment I tough you might be right . Thanks for your input .
  16. Thank you for that detail .yes it was mad of me to think it was a crane . Loads from the sea bye boat . Should have known better . But .......the train came off the other bridge ,on the other side south of the old tunnel . Correct me if I’m wrong .. I thought . And only heard about one such crash . If you would take a look at what I found long ago . Thanks to YouTube .m looks closely and you can see the shapes of the rock forms and the angles . I thank you again .and can’t Waite for your reply . Cause that square is really making my brain hurt lol.. cheers Tintin
  17. Moving very slow but getting there
  18. Sorry lads 12 o’clock the square block of concrete it’s to high to be part of bridge . Look closely at it and front wall has a window efect . I still think it was some kind of make shift crane , but when did it appear ?
  19. Moving very slow but getting there . Still cant find what the structure is on the south bank but I keep looking lol.
  20. Thanks guys .
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