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  1. Update: @MartinRS from RMWeb has provided me with the links. Thought i'd leave this here just incase anyone it looking them in the future.
  2. I have very little knowledge on Irish steam engines but the No85 Merlin would be nice. Just while I mention Merlin, what would be the class name for it?
  3. If my eyes serve me right, it seems like these are track plans of Connolly & I think the other one is Belfast Lanyon or something quite similar. I'm not sure what the other station is, however, I'd love to know who made them.
  4. Thank you, Eoin and Blaine, for your answers! Say if I were to create a coach in a blender that is 20m long. To find the scale length, I would do 20000mm × 0.0131 = 262 mm (26.2 cm) As you had mentioned, Blaine the scale is 1:76.2. Would this mean that I should use 1:76.2 for the calculations, which (using the same 20m coach example) should be: 20000mm × 0.01312 = 262.4 mm (26.24cm) Would this be correct? Again many thanks.
  5. I'm extremely sorry in replying so late buddy. However if you're still interested, here's the link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/copies_of_the_technical_drawings#incoming-2021877
  6. I do apologise if I'm in the wrong place! Also sorry if this message is hard to follow. English is my first language but I'm somewhat slow haha. I'm hoping to create some 3D models of various rolling stock, signs and other miscellaneous pieces however I'm not sure how to accurately measure the model so it fits the appropriate OO scale. Does anyone have any tips for 3D printing? I noticed that the smaller details can be tricky. I'm hoping to create a standard coach first, and print out various sections such as the 'shell' and interior seating. Many thanks, Joe
  7. Nevermind, found complete set of diagrams
  8. I'm hoping to create a 3D model of an Enterprise set using Blender however, I've looked around and can't seem to find any diagrams to use as reference. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
  9. Would love to get my hands on them! It seems the only option at the moment is to respray MK4 coaches and scratchbuild the DVT.
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