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Johannes Houtsma

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Everything posted by Johannes Houtsma

  1. thanks the thing is I am building a part of the Antrim Coast for my hobbytrain. Ofcourse the coastal route but uphill I saw this road. But I need some picture of the time around 1950-1970. How it did look there. maybe some stonewalls between the lannds or how did the road look.
  2. near to the coastal road is a hillside. up that hill there is a road as well. I am looking for old pictures of that road around 1950. The road is called: Drumnagreagh Rd
  3. whoa beautifull
  4. Thank you for this information. Do you by change also know how the station looked like? how big it was. or do you know were I can get the drawings of this station
  5. thank you for this information. it will be around the 1950s. I already have the railtracks from that time and now I am looking for the station-building. How it looked like which colors the station had and so on beautiful and now you can really see how it looks like. thank you for sharing
  6. thank you for this information. i am restricted to, so I have to find out how all do it. and one last question, I hope, which scale is this OO or for me HO? That rum around where was that situated? I got this one yesterday from Alan O'Rourke
  7. thanks for the info. I found the picture of 1936. so you are working on a model of Larne Harbour Station, my question is: "how much space will it take to build that whole area". An other question:: "how did those locomotives turned there. Is there a turntable?
  8. dear people. I have a question. I have a model railway but because I live in the Netherlands it is all German. I would love to have the English/Irish railway models, locomotives and so on. I do love Northern Ireland and that's way I would love to have some information about the old larne harbour station. how the railway was situated at the harbour. i already have contact with; http://irishrailarchives.ie/ and they have drawings of the old station. but do I want to have some authentity I need to know how everything was there. Hope you can give me some pictures or other things. sincerely Johannes Houtsma. around 1930 will be my model railway.
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