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James Regan

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  1. I’ll take No. 6 an Achill bogie in 4mm and a J5 down the road. Thanks!
  2. I would be up for a couple. The SLNCR is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  3. John, I thank you for your gracious apology for calling me out. You are a better man than many for that. As you have seen there is a lot of frustration about the lack of consequences for arson and vandalism both in Ireland and Scotland. It looks like some folks on the Boness thread voiced that frustration in colorful terms but I’m pretty sure no one really wants someone burned or hung for these crimes. There are a range of sentencing options that would be appropriate. Unfortunately, in these countries justice is not being done or seen to be done. Does anyone know the ultimate outcome of the Boness case for example? Two 32 year old men! A disgrace. I cant find it anywhere. Decent people just going about their hobbies and interests are fed up of the soft peddling. Best James
  4. Trying to capture the spirit of the beet train - and yes this is a work in progress. I’ve found the more wagons you have the more authentic it becomes. Now to install all those chain link couplings…
  5. I shouldn't be surprised you put words in my mouth as you started your comments on this thread putting words into others mouths by commenting about how you found the hang them flog them reaction towards the perpetrators on this newsgroup distasteful. I don't see a single post advocating hanging or flogging in this thread but then I guess you have no problem projecting on others whatever you wish to imagine. To be clear I accused you of nothing. I said and repeat that I have listened to apologists and enablers of lowlifes spout this kind of nonsense. Whether you want to repeat their nonsense is up to you but then dont deny or reframe what you said and suggest I said that I don’t believe that parents have responsibilities towards their children until they reach 18 and that the wider community has a role. I said nothing of the sort. This statement is completely different from your earlier statement that I suppose the question to be asked is whether menal health or the childs parenting contributed to the vandalism at Downpatrick and if so what could society/the community in Downpatrick in particular childs parents could have done differently to support the teenager. Lets be clear! There’s two statements there - 1. the childs parenting contributed to the vandalism, and 2 what could society/the community have done differently Either you dont understand the difference between those statements and your later reframing of them or you are deliberately trying to obfuscate them. Given you bring up a whole bunch of other issues like drug use and older siblings looking after younger ones and three year olds toddling around and how somebody paid for rounds of drinks, etc. it appears more likely to be the latter. But let’s get back to the issue. Vandalism and personal responsibility. So who contributed to the vandalism. My answer is the vandal. Yours are literally to blame others - again your exact words - the childs parenting contributed to the vandalism. You have also projected on to the scumbag who did this your own experiences imputing parental irresponsibility, mental health and lack of community support with zero evidence of any of these things whatsoever. That says nothing about the culprit and a lot about you. After all this are you an apologist for this behavior? As in my first post, i’ll leave that for you and others to decide.
  6. Actually, vandalism usually happens for no reason at all, and reason has nothing to do with it. It’s a common slander of the poor that people who grow up in difficult situations turn out to be bad people but thats not true either. The vast majority of people who grow up in poverty are the most honest decent people in the world. On the other hand both Hitler and Putin grew up in solid middle class families with respect for authority, hard work and honesty and both turned out to be evil psychopaths. Being evil is something that is wrong with the individual and can’t be neatly blamed on environmental factors, such as poverty or poor parenting. As such, absent mental illness the individual is responsible. As you go through life you’ll get plenty of personal experience of this. Some of the worst jerks I have known have been well off.
  7. Ah the old collective guilt canard. Some scumbag does some nasty s*&# and it’s everybody else's fault, in particular society. I’ve listened to apologists and enablers of lowlifes peddle this nonsense all my life. The guy was 16. He knew what he was doing at that age. He chose to do it. Thats it, case closed. Stop blaming everything else than the individual. It’s pathetic and absurd.
  8. The corrugation idea was interesting but not new. Anyone know where Bullied got his inspiration? An Irishman Walther Murphy had come up with this idea and patented it in the United States in 1921 and for many year Murphy ends were common on US boxcars. Long before Bullied introduced it on Irish railways. Walter Patton Murphy was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., January 26, 1873. His paternal grandfather had emigrated from Ireland and settled in Vermont about 1840. His parents were Peter Henry and Jennie Elizabeth Patton Murphy. Walter was the second-born of six children, of whom the eldest died in early childhood. He had three brothers, Clint, Albert, and Dwight, and a sister, Beulah.
  9. It’s from a company in Germany and they will ship to the US and elsewhere. https://www.train-safe.de/en/Our-Products/Acrylic-display-case/Vision/
  10. Thanks guys for the work arounds. If you check out Accurascale you can see how seamless this can be.
  11. Yes, thats even better! Pity, I did it the hard way.
  12. While we are on the subject of pre-orders, and don’t get offended, it appears pre-ordering multiple items is a little cumbersome. For example, if I pre-order one Hunslet, I have to add it to cart, the cart opens and then I cant go back to the Hunslet page to order a second one without going to the main menu and again selecting Locomotives, Pre-Order etc. If instead I click on continue shopping it takes me to the whole range and not just Hunslets. It would be great if you could go back to the page with the range you are selecting from so you can easily select multiple items. I had the same issue with the Park Royals. It seems to work more efficiently for items in stock such as the Bullieds. Ideally you could check multiple items and just click pre-order for the bunch but if that functionality isnt available and others such as rails of sheffield dont have it, keeping the page you are ordering from available would be good enough.
  13. These are a wonderful product. I didn’t expect you would choose these given how few were on the network. The Enterprise is a great train with a rich history, and now I will have something to head my Mark IIs, below. I do love the uniqueness of the maroon and hope some maroon coaches may be in the future. I’ll try to order one of each.
  14. I’m sorry you feel it’s being rude to query the appeal of a particular product, as thats not my intention. A lot of posters here will tell you all is great and thats wonderful but this started with your concerns over sales and I’ve shared with you a different perspective which I felt might be helpful. Based on the lively debate that has ensued I think that may be the case. If you're not interested then so be it. Fran raised a fair point as to sales of other models. Personally, I will buy the Park Royals once they're further along and a rake of Bullieds would not go amiss, having spent part of my childhood living near Tuam sugar factory I have a particular fondness for them. I have money budgeted for you guys, Ive just been waiting for a reason to give it to you. I would definitely take more container liners too. I see MSC containers on recent trains, for example. I’m very likely to find whatever you announce this weekend appealing. I’m not sure what the deal is about Paddys models but I already have about 25 141/181s so don't really need anymore, so that might have something to do with it.
  15. You have a lot of customers on here explaining their reservations and it might be worthwhile to take that on board. As for models everyone here loves the C Class by all appearances. a G class isnt a large loco and would be fun for shunting and maybe a simplified version that the kids could play with a la Hornby railroad. Enterprise coaches or Mark IVs might be very appealing and cheaper to produce per unit than the railcar. A few people have knocked steam engines but the most popular train in the world isnt a railcar its Thomas and if you could tap that market with Owen the Irish engine you could hook a whole new generation.
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