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Kelvin White

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  1. Hi David I was hoping to see the you & the layout at the Farnham / Aldershot show a couple of weekends ago. Alas you and the Broad Gauge Temple Meads layouts were no shows. Kelvin
  2. Colin asked the question on my behalf, I’ve only just joined this forum. It was my presumption that milk in churns was not carried. Does anybody know if milk in churns was carried on the Isle of Man 3ft gauge lines. best regards stay safe, stay sane
  3. Did any of the Irish NG lines carry milk in milk churns? If they did what type of wagon / van was used? I’m aware the Clogher Valley had butter vans, but I presume these carried butter & cheese, not milk in churns.
  4. Thanks David, I’ve admired your layouts when we used to have exhibitions. I have some Kalgarren rail , it looks a lot better than the Peco girder rail. I may have to ask some lathe owning friends a favour. What BB dimension do you use and tightest radius you’ve achieved? thanks
  5. Does anybody produce 7mm NG 21mm track gauges for Kalgarren code 100 flat bottom rail. potentially I could try and make some, but if there is a product out there I can buy it would be easier. I’ve just acquired a Ragstone Models Clogher Valley 0-4-2T etched brass kit and some Roxey Models etched brass CV coach kits. I want to knock up some track and points - copper clad & solder.
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