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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. Put me down for twelve.

    My dear Jon, I wouldn't dream of putting you down, sending you up, possibly?

    Thanks for the interest, gents - all noted.

    She runs as well as she looks - I've just bashed her round the loft behind  Bachmann Mogul, sandwiched between twelve strange globular orange things and a beautiful GSWR brake van. I'm sure she'll run just as well behind my A Class when it's delivered (Blackrock, Lads, saves you postage?)

    • Like 1
  2. IMG_0614.thumb.jpg.5e139e17d4b26294ef1bb958ad5ae778.jpg

    Well, here is Michael's latest work of art, the CIE standard cattle wagon from the late 1940s, early 1950s. There were hundreds of these, built with slight variations. This is the "1950" design, but the "1949" design can be easily made from our kit, just add a few bits of Plasticard in the right places! The Fitted version which survived (although I wonder with how much work?) into the 1970s.

    Now you can run Fairs specials hauled by your 00 Works J15, or with the Lads' A Class.

    The second photo shows the planked roof -


    and in case the photo didn't  do Michael's work justice, I launched my drone and took a photo straight down on her!IMG_0629.thumb.jpg.ed1a0c1c3d7ed841528e76fe16520597.jpg

    I should add that Michael quite literally got out of his hospital bed and got started on the Master for this wagon. I'm happy to say that he is fully on the mend and certainly hasn't lost his touch!

    Order book opens in September, but feel free to send an e-mail to the link on my website.

    • Like 7
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  3. Thanks for these last two comments.

    Colin, almost all of our kits can be made up as 21mm gauge without too much hassle - they're all scale, so are certainly the right width.

    Thanks, Dart, re the horseboxes. That's six, I'll start counting! You did see them quite often in photos taken "Down South", so maybe it'd better be a GSWR one?

    • Like 2
  4. Anybody into chewing gum?

    It looks like you can still get it in those 'pillow-shaped' pieces - I wonder if the dimensions are close enough to use as random bags of fertiliser to leave around the place?

    Actually, sounds a good way to attract the mice - you can bet your bottom Euro-cent they'd find them!

  5. I hadn't thought about the 400s outlasting the 500s - which were much better engines, if you believe the late Drew Donaldson.

    I can't comment on how good 402 was, but it's notable that Drew had 409 on his famous layout as it was his favourite of a Class which were a poor investment for GSWR - just look at the number of rebuilds, trying to get them right! That said, they were handsome locos!

    I haven't got a copy of the 101 book here, so will have to look up just which tender 186 ran with. They appeared behind many different tenders latterly.

  6. Back to the A3, for a moment. You are dead right, Mr Holman, an A3 with Witte deflectors is really the job!

    Now, to the other David's comment on not bothering with what no-one will see (Mr Ahearn's famous layout is at Pendon, less than ten miles from where I am). I always thought that  you could save a lot of effort with wagons for the same reason - you only ever see one side on most layouts.

    It does mean that if you're building a wagon from a kit and one side's better than the other - turn it round (or by numbering the other side differently - two wagons for the price of one!!!!)

    • Like 3
  7. Good morning, David (shouldn't you be writing your sermon?).

    I think the "don't think they can" is the truth (the results I've seen from my kits are terrific), plus the little element of time!

    The trouble is, if you want stuff from steam-age Ireland, I'm afraid it will always be mainly kits!

    As I think all my customers know, I got into this because I wanted GN wagons - I resolved that years ago - even to having a twenty wagon cattle train. The obvious next stop was steam-age CIE - hence the corrugated open and the H, both of which have been worth the bother - I'll let you all know when the corrugated passes the 300 mark!

  8. Well, not bad - TWO Merchant Navies I've had runs behind, plus one a`waiting restoration (35010).

    35023 gave me 94mph on the last Saturday of Southern steam, my second "ninety" with her.

    A rake of four will be about the price of a single 35xxx loco! I can get rid of some Euros at Blackrock!

  9. Thanks, Dart, for the interesting RDS notice.

    Even by the 1950s, the GNR was running specials from for the punters going to the Show at Ballsbridge, for both humans and four legged passengers - but as an everyday traffic .......

    As I said, fifty orders and we'll produce one!

    I get a very strong impression, fuelled by an e-mail which I received (and a very quiet order book) that I'm wasting my time with kits - that what people want is RTR stuff?

    Just back from Hamburg to see Miniature World - now there's a model railway!

  10. 11 hours ago, Old Blarney said:


    A wee question? The picture you posted shows the engine in a lovely, slightly weathered condition. Would you consider producing your planned model in such a condition? Oh, I have also sent you a Private Message.

    Kindest regards,

    David White.

     Class J 5 - 623 - M&GWR Class Fb 0-6-0, built 1924 by Broadstone Works as M&GWR No.86, 1924 to M&GWR No.35, 1925 to GSR No.623, 1945 to CIE - withdrawn 1957 - seen here at Mullingar, 08/53.


    David (and Ed)

    If my memory hasn't failed me, these yokes pulled DSER suburbans in the 1950s and were (sometimes) kept spotlessly clean.

    I have a photo of TWO of these engines at Broadstone in 1959 - I'll stick it up later - too big to load, so needs cropping!


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  11. On 6/22/2019 at 3:30 PM, WRENNEIRE said:

    Retooling is expensive, as the original moulds have to be altered which is not as easy as it sounds then add on the handbrake

    I think a minimum run is in the region of 1000 units, maybe more so with 4 different running numbers, 250 of each I could see

    a cost of north of €200, maybe even as high as €250

    Ahh, David - Steam Engine numbers (think about it) - makes the J15 look an absolute bargain!

    • Like 1
  12. Very good, David! At the very least a matter for the Ethics Committee (ask your Dad!).

    Good move,  Edo, I look forward to seeing her at Palace East - I've actually been through your local station behind No.151 on the famous outing in 1963, organised by my school railway society.

    • Like 2
  13. Horseboxes?

    Yep, thought of those and of how few I'd sell - they did tend to run singly - except for the RDS Show?

    Then, which one - GN, GS, BCDR (I could go on).

    Of course, if I have fifty requests for a particular one, it'll be ready for the next show after Blackrock!

    Back to Live Meat Transport. After a passionate debate (about thirty seocnd's thought), we've gone for the unfitted 1950 wagon, seen closest to the camera below.


    If you want a 1949 one or two (the one furthest from the camera), a bit of Plasticard and a shortening of the cross bracing and Hey Presto, you're there.

    Watch this space!

    Still open for expressions of interest to encourage us!

    • Like 2
  14. An interesting prototype to choose - I wonder when the last of them ran!

    A lovely piece of work, young man. I'm surprised that Midland John hasn't reacted - he must be busy tidying up the garden railway before winter!


    • Thanks 1
  15. I'm sure that you have made the right decision Edo. No use having wagons if you have nothing to pull them with!

    That said, I'm older than Roderick by more than a decade ...........

    I hope that you enjoy running the loco - as I've said before, mine is on a train of bubbles with a GSWR brake upstairs! Now there's heresy.

    • Like 2
  16. Ah ha, John, piccies from the famous Garden Railway. It (they) look very nice. 

    Out of season for you now?


    I sent my J15 over to Neil @ WheeltappersDCCsounds to get his J15 sound project installed plus a pair of head lamps. She sounds great. Looking forward to running here back at home next week. Some nice extra sound functions on this project simulating a rake of loose coupled wagons starting off with cascading coupling snatches as the slack is taken up down a rake of wagons, and the reciporical cascading buffer clashing on stoping as each wagon closes the gap behind the braking loco.

    Thanks for posting the video, Noel. Almost convinces me to fit mine, although it is only intended for very occasional use.

    Anyone got any thoughts on a good sound chip for a small-wheeled two cylinder 4-4-0 (the U Class being my thoughts). Of course, I should fit sound to No.171?

  17. I suspect a J15 commissioned from a brass kit to the same standard as an 00 Works would probably cost at least double. 

    Well said, Noel. I've never paid less than £250 to get a brass job built and they usually needed a lot of tweaking to get them to run well, so by the time you'd paid for the kit, motor, gears, etc - you are invariably looking at £400 plus. Roderick's engines generally run well, out of the box. Not cheap, of course compared to a diesel which is made in the thousands.


  18. Were they in brown as well as grey?

    And will it be a resin kit?

    Hi Popeye, anything I've seen suggests grey, although many were clearly fitted (the GN painted fitted stuff a bauxite shade, but not sure about CIE where cattle was concerned.

    No doubt Comrade Beaumont will sort me out!

    Yes, a resin kit.

    Thanks for the interest.


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