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leslie10646 last won the day on March 18

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  • Biography
    Born Belfast 1946 and educated there until Queens University saw through me and threw me out - a lucky break as I became a computer programmer in London and somehow survived thirty years in computing before retiring early. After a couple of years in China, I returned to the UK and became a tour manager with Great Rail Journeys - I still work for them after 19 years.


  • Interests
    Steam, steam and more steam! Blue engines with mahogany coaches are best. Modelling Portadown GNR(I)


  • Occupation
    Tour Manager

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  1. That was the reason I stuck a title on the video! This Burnhouse Bridge is closer to my present home, than the one near Knockmore Junction was to my home in Belfast! Another Ulster connection was that two Ulster "timers" of my circle were on the train - while they would have loved to have had a UG under the original bridge, it wouldn't have been making as much noise and had ten passenger coaches behind it!
  2. The Burnhouse Bridge! Today's Dorset Coast Express. This morning at The Burnhouse Bridge (GNR men will remember another bridge by that name on the Banbridge line?) Then tonight, the return IN THE DARK - but good sounds! IMG_9252.MOV Tonight - An hour or so ago! IMG_9253.MOV
  3. For what it's worth, I've blown up the original photo (the one I've posted is very low resolution) and used the magnifier function on my Mac to look at the rear of the train. To me, it's the same spacing of windows as the 900 at the front. So based on this 1959 evidence, @Colin_McLeod , it is a full cab at each end! The 700 Class spacing of windows in the third coach is very obvious and quite different looking to the 900. I have little doubt that as the years went by, the set will have been less symmetrical.
  4. Untitled 3.mov This one is a long way from Goring! Between Worplesdon and Guildford tonight at 8.30pm on an evening circuit to allow people to enjoy an expensive dinner! Britannia has THIRTEEN coaches plus the inevitable diesel. Doing most of the work. TURN THE SOUND UP! Brits are noisy beasts - this is half the video which is 100 Mb - worth waiting for it to download - nice and noisy to the point were he eases at the white lineside cabinet. !
  5. A photo of the Enniskillen Flyer appears in Charles Friel and Norman Johnston's "Fermanagh's Railways". I can't help except to offer Lance's photo taken of the UTA Enterprise entering Amiens Street in 1959, in full GNRB Regalia, bar the little UTA Roundel - if you know how to identify a half cab from the window shapes - feel free to look at the back of a fairly short train.
  6. Now - AND THIS IS A WIND-UP - Note the BR furniture containers in corrugated opens in the background of the photo of the "E" Class at Kingsbridge. The Bachmann model of said container WON'T FIT INTO THE NEW IRM OPEN!!! Comments gents? Mind you - it won't fit into my kit of these wagons either! In the interests of scientific experiment, I'll get my files out and adjust the container and post the results!
  7. Still got some kits, of this nice brakevan - by post to UK, or I'll reserve to be picked up on the Smaller Island when I take a holiday there in late October ,,,,,,,
  8. Obviously I liked the GNR shots, but it was the photo at Inchicore which caught my eye - I hadn't realised that the Work's Platform was so long! When was it shortened / removed, or is it still there - I wouldn't know as it's on the non-milepost side and I'm always on the other side of the train!
  9. Dapol couplings with NEM pocket: https://www.dapol.co.uk/products/coupnemoo-oo-gaugenem-couplings-pack-of-40 OR https://www.dapol.co.uk/products/4s-024-cpm-00-gauge-spares-h-l-040-coupling-and-mount-ea-r?variant=46055267139807 I knew Dapol sold them as we have them in our kits and Michael had to have a source! Obviously the pack listed first!
  10. Looks Ok to me: 9 June 1957 Lance King Collection Copyright IRRS
  11. Just a word from a supplier's viewpoint. I've sent stuff to both Addresspal and Parcel Motel and they seem to work very well. Getting stuff to John in the Canaries fell over when the last lot was returned after six weeks - more to do with local problems on the Island, it seems. These agencies rely too much on Artificial Intelligence at times and it's not THAT intelligent. I suspect that another issue is that people (when they exist at all) are poorly trained, or take the easiest option. Service? Don't make me laugh!
  12. Thanks for the shot of No.207, Ernie. I immediately thought - Thursdays only tourist train for folk staying at the UTA's hotels. But the 26th was a TUESDAY! Also May is a bit early to be holidaying in Northern Ireland! Someone with a set of Weekly notices can sort this one out!
  13. Like a Sunday School Saturday at Portrush, but with diesels!
  14. Yes, one of each would be good, as I'm dual gauge!
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