Thanks for the Heads-up @LNERW1. Looks interesting.
I got into railway building games when I discovered "1829", as developed by the late Francis Tresham. It is so called because the map of GB is clear of main line railways - the Liverpool and Manchester opened the next year.
I first bought the game in Liverpool about 45 years ago.
There are now many versions, depending on the country -
1825 (the date of the Stockton and Darlington);
1835 is Germany (a brilliant evolution of Tresham's original idea);
1853 India;
and lots of US versions such as 1830 (US generally); 1876 (Texas)etc.
Their great plus is that you play with other people.
My pals and I (typically 5 or 6) would start at 10am on a Saturday, adjourn for lunch about 1330 and then play through to about 7pm. We'd go out for a curry and then disperse to the four points of the compass.
My younger son met Francis about ten years ago, and he was interested in doing 1834 (D&K in case you've forgotten), alas I hadn't the time to get it moving!
If anyone is in Surrey or near Reading, I'd be delighted to host a game of one of the six versions I have! It can be played with two or more.