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leslie10646 last won the day on December 28 2024

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  • Biography
    Born Belfast 1946 and educated there until Queens University saw through me and threw me out - a lucky break as I became a computer programmer in London and somehow survived thirty years in computing before retiring early. After a couple of years in China, I returned to the UK and became a tour manager with Great Rail Journeys - I still work for them after 19 years.


  • Interests
    Steam, steam and more steam! Blue engines with mahogany coaches are best. Modelling Portadown GNR(I)


  • Occupation
    Tour Manager

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  1. Easily the best EMU of the Privatisation era. I wish you masses of orders! We have 387s out to Reading and I always opt for a semi-fast into London with them (at 110mph) rather than be thrown about in the Jap Cxxp jokingly referred to a an Intercity Express Train - in the running for the World's Worst train. I hope that IR keep way from the so called Bi-modes!
  2. Obviously, IR aren't reading Modern Railways which is full of misery stories of hydrogen trains being withdrawn IN GERMANY where they know a bit about engineering - and being replaced by DIESELS.
  3. Don't tell Ken Fox that or he'll be clamouring to his union for them to bring No.4 and a rake of coaches down for him keep his hand in every day!
  4. You've been the bottle again! That Co Tyrone poteen is deadly!
  5. Thanks for the Heads-up @LNERW1. Looks interesting. I got into railway building games when I discovered "1829", as developed by the late Francis Tresham. It is so called because the map of GB is clear of main line railways - the Liverpool and Manchester opened the next year. I first bought the game in Liverpool about 45 years ago. There are now many versions, depending on the country - 1825 (the date of the Stockton and Darlington); 1835 is Germany (a brilliant evolution of Tresham's original idea); 1853 India; and lots of US versions such as 1830 (US generally); 1876 (Texas)etc. Their great plus is that you play with other people. My pals and I (typically 5 or 6) would start at 10am on a Saturday, adjourn for lunch about 1330 and then play through to about 7pm. We'd go out for a curry and then disperse to the four points of the compass. My younger son met Francis about ten years ago, and he was interested in doing 1834 (D&K in case you've forgotten), alas I hadn't the time to get it moving! If anyone is in Surrey or near Reading, I'd be delighted to host a game of one of the six versions I have! It can be played with two or more. Leslie
  6. Oh, come on, JB! You're a serious historian - show me a single log of a narrow gauge loco in action! I think I know most of the people who might have timed a narrow gauge train, but cannot remember a single log. Saying that these things did 50mph is as likely as the Casey Jones 130 (?) mph which the Yanks claim as the steam world speed record! Mind you, they look fast, but without evidence .... When I die, I'll leave you my stopwatches and GPS!!!!!
  7. You might at least have switched on the loco lights!!!
  8. John I hope that you have a good alarm on your place!
  9. I can't remember ever seeing a photo of the BDC Enterprise there. I real find by you, congratulations. AND it's the GNR(I) set!
  10. Very nice, but what about your THIRD (IRISH) steam loco? I'm 78 years, 7 months and counting ..........
  11. Re the Dapol one. This was one of my original quartet of wagons in 2007. I did these flats, similarly lettered, for No.4 Furniture container also. I think I have seen such containers as high as No.6! You can find them in various books. The CIE one would be easy enough to do but Dapol don't just do containers painted to order - I think I have to do a flat as well! They sell them unpainted as a pair. If anyone is interested in a "pretend" CIE Flat (lettering can be researched) with the white container - speak up! I've been looking at ways of doing a GNR / CIE / CDRJC half container of the type which was to be fou8nd latterly on the narrow gauge. Maybe a 3D print.
  12. Terrific model, Alan. I had to smile when you announced that you were going to fit a sound chip. You're on a safe wicket of course, as no-one alive will know what she sounded like and certainly not me - am I the oldest here? I was four and living in the Sergeant's quarter of Carrickmore RUC barrck when she was withdrawn! Downpatrick Loop line platform for your next layout so that you can show her rolling through with the Golfer's Express on a Saturday?
  13. Hi guys When are you going to send out the H vans, grain wagons which I paid for ten days or so ago? Thanks Leslie
  14. Shame on you @Galteemore telling fibs! The line was closed and lifted before the "Inst" Railway Society was even thought of!
  15. Nice wagons on your train, Patrick! I wonder where you got them from? (I won't wind you up with the thought that those wagons weren't painted like that until long after the closure of the station!). Lovely model, as others have rightly said.
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