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Galteemore last won the day on May 14

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    Trains, history, keeping fit


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  1. That’s not half bad. At least one compromise is apparent straight away but it’s a characterful and recognisable model, with a fair paint job. Blackening the wheel rims would be a big help.
  2. Galteemore

    DART 40

    Hard to believe DART is 40. What’s striking is that only 20 years before the DART steam was regularly seen in and around Dublin, including frequent visits by a VS class - all of which seemed a lifetime ago in 1984! I was struck last week by the birthday celebrations of Paddy Hemingway, 105 now and the last surviving Battle of Britain pilot, who lives in Dublin. He joined the RAF in 1938 - ie before the 800s even left the works….amazing to think of someone still living who has seen so much……
  3. Great to hear David, how did NPQ get on ?
  4. Delightful. Lovely to see the Glover tank in motion
  5. Really looks the business. Not overdone with fussy details but just enough signature pieces that show this is an Irish layout. Excellent work.
  6. Lovely Ernie. Glenfarne shot is probably the 2pm goods out of Enniskillen. A close look at the shot of the Omagh train suggests that the 7:20 to Sligo will be railbus worked tonight. There is no stock in the Sligo bay, which implies the bogie coach did not travel across on the 1115 goods ex Sligo. This was an increasingly common occurrence in the line’s final days, much to the chagrin of many an enthusiast!
  7. Looks great. Agree with Alan re last photo / fabulous!
  8. Agreed. Well worth the effort !
  9. I would be very wary of removing and re-applying buffers individually. The visual effect of drooping or misaligned buffers will be far more visually distracting than this small discrepancy. In the 7mm world we certainly find that applying buffers individually requires careful checking to ensure horizontal and vertical alignment
  10. Is it a buffering issue? I’ll get me coat…..
  11. The answer is in post 1. Apart from the actual brake fittings, not much difference.
  12. That’s a shame. I loved my Kato trains. Especially the ones that looked like GNRI railcars !!
  13. Crying out for a photo comparison with your 7mm one…
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