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2996 Victor

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2996 Victor last won the day on May 9 2022

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About 2996 Victor

  • Birthday 25/09/1969

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  • Biography
    I've always been interested in model-making since a very young age, working my way through a myriad of mainly Airfix and Matchbox 1/72 scale World War 2 aircraft, until, with a bit of direction from my late Dad, I found railway modelling in my early teens. Dad and I embarked on several GWR branch line model railways, never quite finishing them before they evolved into bigger and better schemes, and then through my mid-late teens I became interested in vintage sports cars, MGs in particular. Again, Dad's influence!

    My twenties saw a resurgence in my interest in military aircraft modelling, although now in 1/48 scale and primarily First World War subjects, which ran alongside railway modelling. Unfortunately, the results were never quite "good enough" for me and although the interest remained it went on the back burner. Years later, and having lost Dad to cancer at a far-too-young age, been through marriage, children and divorce, my interest rekindled.

    The railway-orientated part of my modelling currently centres on a project for the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway (OO9 narrow gauge) which is under way and another for the Denver & Rio Grande Rail Road (HOn3 narrow gauge) which is close to beginning build. I also have Cambrian Railways (standard gauge to EM Gauge Society standards) and the Midland Great Western Railway (Irish 5'3" broad gauge to EM standards) layouts envisaged.

    Meanwhile, the thought of adding aeroplanes to add variety to my modelling diet sounded like a good plan, while the idea of a group build with my two sons (14 and 13) of a simple aeroplane kit also seemed like a good way to bring us together even though we're 300 miles apart. And although we've yet to compare the fruits of our labours, I'm hoping it may have sparked an interest in them, too. My interest here lies primarily with single-seat aeroplanes from the beginning of World War 1 through to the end of World War 2, and so excludes kites and jets!

    Scale-wise, the railway side of things is 4mm/1ft (1/76) for UK and HO 3.5mm/1ft (1/87) for American subjects. So that there is a degree of parity, the aviation side is resolutely 1/72. And my choice of subjects leans as much toward the more esoteric as to the mainstream.


  • Interests
    Trains, planes and automobiles! But not necessarily in that order.....

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  1. Fantastic news, Ken - keep at it! Some lovely little bits of progress on the Port, its the details that make the layout come to life and its certainly doing that. I do like Dart Castings products - their conical milk churns for instance are, imho, the best available (no association with them except as a satisfied customer). I don't think I've said before that I think the Maltings are superb, although all your buildings are excellent. Nice convertible, by the way Stay safe, keep strong, and keep getting yourself better All the best, Mark
  2. So sorry to hear your news, Ken - along with everyone else, I'm sending you all best wishes for a speedy full recovery. Stay safe and keep strong. Mark
  3. Stunning work! And +1 on the tutorial - that's a brilliant technique. Cheers, Mark
  4. Brilliant, David! Maggie is the G.O.A.T. goat Cheers, Mark
  5. Yes - you'd have to "brush" the fibres soon after applying them to mimic how the real animal's coat lies. Although the "plugged into the mains" look would be quite funny..... Or, after you're absolutely happy with the goat's shape, what about a very thin final covering of thinned clay more like potter's slip but not quite as runny. Then use a toothbrush or similar to brush in the goat's hair while it's still damp. Perhaps a trial on a spare lump of clay might be worthwhile! Cheers, Mark
  6. What about using fairly short static grass fibres? Apply in the usual manner, and gently smooth flat like the animal's coat, perhaps with a soft paintbrush, before the glue dries. When dry, lightly airbrush over with goat-colour paint. Cheers, Mark
  7. Thanks it's more annoying because of the time wasted - I should have bitten the bullet and built my own to begin with. At least it'll be good practice for the 21mm gauge track for Mount Bellew! All the best, Mark
  8. Just a short non-update on Yeoman's Wharf. I'd got to the stage where I really needed the track in place before I could go further with the structures and scenery. I think I mentioned outsourcing the pointwork to a professional builder as the geometry is non-standard and I want avoid the toylike look to the track. Well, the pointwork arrived at the beginning of the week after four months. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement: tie bars loose, rail heads filed to get them level, check and wing rail leads filed not bent, and very messy soldering throughout. I know I should really go back to the builder but I just want to cut my losses and move on. With hindsight, I would have been better off using the intervening period to learn the skill myself. Shoulda', coulda', woulda'! I hope to have some good progress to report soon. Cheers, Mark
  9. What a brilliant idea! I have awful difficulty in gauging the relative proportions of landscape features to the point where I end up with either rapid erosion or orogeny to correct massive errors of judgement! Great photos of the goods train in the evening sunlight, very evocative. Cheers, Mark
  10. This is my story, too! I've six or seven aeroplane kits in various stages of being built, the 009 layout in the British section on here, and two EM Gauge micro layouts on the go as well. Then I've been bitten by inclined planes and the London underground railways at the turn of the 19th/20th centuries. Nurse! My medication, please..... Cheers, Mark
  11. That's a rather nice MGTD on the right Cheers, Mark
  12. Fantastic work - lit, detailed interiors look so good! Can you post some details, please? I found a great article in a previous Railway Modeller about water colour tinting a drawn, fold-up interior. All the best, Mark
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