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Horsetan last won the day on April 5

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1 Follower

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    My heart and soul is in County Clare, but my body is elsewhere :-(


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    Strictly legal

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  1. As it happens, Mel Brooks ran with the same joke over 40 years ago:
  2. If anything, that quality should be gravitating towards a more accurate gauge....
  3. Nowadays, I think they call that a "side-hustle"....
  4. ....which may also mean that "a nation once again" is likely to be a very long, long way away.
  5. The other undercurrent that I detected years ago, and it's not just in railways, is that in Ireland there's no problem supporting something, but not if people have to pay for it.
  6. ....I mean, 'tis not like the British walk blindly into things they don't quite understand....
  7. It's a lot more interesting than watching the England football team playing.
  8. Clones shed is brilliant, as if a flying saucer had landed. At least it still exists, even if it's not publicly accessible, unlike Portadown.
  9. As it happens, the Germans did plan to build a 2-6-8-0 Mallet. This was to have been built by Borsig of Berlin, and would have been the DRG's class 53⁰. There is conflicting information as to whether construction ever went ahead; a couple of sources claim Borsig got as far as building the bare frames. Whatever the truth of the matter, Märklin produced a model of the Class 53 in the 1970s, and continued producing it, on and off, over the following decades. It's quite a sight.
  10. Should be possible to motorise that....
  11. I do hope yer man has adequate insurance cover....
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