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Broithe last won the day on July 2

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    Rathdowney & Stafford.

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  1. I considered that, but I decided that it wouldn't be a shrewd move.
  2. There were, indeed, as nice as they usually are. Even the crows won't eat them.
  3. These were the white-toothed ones, first seen in Wexford twenty years ago - probably not reached you yet. And 'my' cat is doing her best to slow down the advancement of the front.
  4. 'Mine' left me two shrews for my breakfast a few weeks ago. I was going to admonish her over this, as I would generally see shrews as not a great problem. They're not given to invading houses or causing 'us' much trouble. However, I was fortunate enough to look into the matter before I embarrassed myself and found that these shrews are of an invasive species, first seen in Ireland in 2005 and have been causing the native pygmy shrews some issues. So, I managed to avoid making myself look even more of an idiot in the cat's eyes... Next-door have gone away for ten days and I just came back from Lidl to find her sitting on the doorstep with a bag of food...
  5. You must be completely tessellated.
  6. Anybody living on the Big Island 30 years ago will be aware of the term 'Portillo moment'. It refers to the time when he, as a cabinet minister, managed to lose a seat which had been Tory since 1950 and, with it, his expectation of being Tory leader after Major. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portillo_moment
  7. You'll struggle to re-gauge it for that track.
  8. There are hooks on the ones that Lidl should have shortly - it will be interesting to see if they are the same height... https://www.lidl.ie/p/folding-saw-horse/p10029198 They don't seen to have the handy notches, though.
  9. As I've mentioned before, I 'moderate' another forum and it can be surprising how heated things can get. It hasn't happened for a while now, but we've had the cops call round at least four times over various threats, including a potential firebombing of a café, after the owner criticised some local healthcare activities... I once had to stop two blokes organising a fight in a pub car park because one had made a joke about the fact that the other one had left the apostrophe out of the word "I'll" at the beginning of a sentence, making it look like "Ill" - the jokey way that he did this meant the the perpetrator of the missing apostrophe felt that he was saying that he made him sick... We have people who find sport in causing issues - one chap is adept at posting ambiguous comments, then claiming that he meant the less obvious version, when challenged. People sign up to start arguments, then sign up again to agree with themselves. We have people immersed in conspiracy theories who consider that anybody who doesn't fully agree with their fantasies is being intentionally disrespectful. Nobody ever censored that Hitler bloke on an internet forum, and look what he got up to...
  10. I was unaware of the worldwide transport chaos when I attempted to set off to the hardware shop on my bike. However, it functioned correctly, without any apparent software issues. On the way there and back, I had to pass through a temporary single-file traffic management zone, where the new houses are being finished, on the old petrol station. The traffic was controlled by two lads with Stop/Go boards and they seemed to still be interfaced in a functional manner, by means of a line-of-sight communication system. Phew.
  11. It's not just you - It won't let me post one at 4.8MB, apparently. "Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file. (Error code: DSC_0797.JPG could not be saved.)
  12. Ah, that's why @Garfield's been quiet - locked in a room with tweezers and a tiny hammer.
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