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Broithe last won the day on September 5

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    Rathdowney & Stafford.

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  1. Having had cause to pass by today, on the road to the south of the station, it gave me the opportunity to get some pictures from the location of the old cattle dock. This caused me to arrive at the station mere seconds too late to catch a non-stopping train passing through. The weathered finish on the new footbridge has been attended to and the whole thing is a bit brighter again. The bees are still active, but closing down operations for this year, I think. The expanded car park had an occupancy rate around 85%, at 2:15pm on a Thursday.
  2. Are you and @banntry included in the sale?
  3. To be fair to the religious crew, model railways is virtually a cult, with various sects considering each other as heretics... There are those who would burn others at the stake, if they could agree on the dimensions of the fire and get the smell of the smoke right.
  4. Lartigue on Nationwide tonight - 7pm.
  5. Discussing that could lead us into a political area...
  6. I still think it's a bit much to have to part with money to blow your tyres up in a service station these days. Not only that, but the cost seems to have gone up a lot in recent years. Ah, well, I suppose it's just inflation.
  7. Many years ago, a group of us ending up playing a game of charades. It went along as these things usually do, until one chap started to do one and nobody had the slightest idea what was going on. It's a film - five words - first word - sounds like... He then repeatedly flung his arm to one side and brought his hand in front of his face, as a fist, then flicking the fingers and thumb out into a star shape, as fast as he could. Nobody had the slightest idea what this was supposed to mean, but he could think of no other mime that he could do for any of the words, so he just continued, repeating this demonstration with increasing theatricality. Eventually, we had to give in, largely due to people laughing themselves to incapacity, and ask him to reveal the film title. Bridge on the River Kwai. Apparently, the mime was a fridge door opening and the light coming on... I still laugh about this forty years on.
  8. Those engaged in the dentistry industry may already have their own handy, pocket-sized IRM spoon.
  9. Sorry, it's just a habit.
  10. A novice mistake.
  11. The realism in all these pictures is truly remarkable, but I do feel that the figures in the background here are a little over-scale and the clothing is a touch 'modern' perhaps? Although, to be fair, they do look almost real.
  12. You can get issues caused by damp from subwoofers.
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