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Rails_of_Belfast last won the day on January 28 2018

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About Rails_of_Belfast

  • Birthday 09/07/1970

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  • Biography
    Been Collecting Over 10 Years British/Irish Model Railway.


  • Interests
    Model Railway,(British & Irish)


  • Occupation
    (Shar) Fisher-man

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  1. Hell Good Evening Irish Modellers would any Member on the Group hav any Plans of LMS-NCC-Londonderry Waterside Station as I am wntin Hav a go at Building This Northern Irish Staion on my 16.5 Ft By 8 Ft Layout.As much info as Problem. Cheers & Thank You 4 Any HELP with this Wee Project.
  2. Ulster Model Railway Club-UMRC Annual Exhibition 2018.Lisburn Station Become Silburn Station @ Ulster Model Railway Annual Exhibition 2018.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/events/157204341591981/?ti=cl This Link Works Fine IRM Members....
  4. I Bought Set off Ebay a Few Months Bck.Compressor + Tank,Air Hose & 2 Airbrushed Set.I Think Startin up The Project off Sprayin my own Models & It Starting 2 Cost More Than What I Thought It Would.4 Set of Lifecolours Panits of 6,Thinner, Cleaners.Satey Items 2 Get Nxt.b-4 I Start Mt Sprayin.
  5. I would in Interested in 3173 Maroon GAV 2 run with my Set.Is there any plans of 3173 Maroon GVS.So I Cn Make 1 Frm a Old coach.
  6. Cheers & Thanks 4 the True info of the Blue/Cream Craven Noel.
  7. Murphy Models did Produce theses Coaches 4 RSPI .There the Same as Murphy Models Craven Orang/Black Coaches Man.
  8. Far i hear Murphy Models made them 4 the RPSI production....Wreeneire
  9. That Murphy Models 4 u Divecontroller.........................There Not 2 Bad Did u Watch the 1st Vidoe @ the top of the Page that Lot of wobble the cream and blue to my eye especially the First coach.........
  10. Murphy Models Class 071/111,Class 201 & Bachmann/Murphy Models Class 141/181.... Please Subscrible 2 My Channel:Rails_of_Belfast. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIrmtvHTm4RHcUnDQCxMOOA?view_as=subscriber
  11. Short Video clip of RPSI Craven coach Blue/Cream Set.... Please Subscrible 2 My Channel:Rails_of_Belfast. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIrmtvHTm4RHcUnDQCxMOOA?view_as=subscriber
  12. Hello jhb171achill i would b interested in both Irish Railway Books if there still 4 Sale.
  13. That the Make i am lookin 4 .Would u hav any links 2 who might sell them Broithe
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