We often go down to Killarney for a few days eBike cycling around the lakes and the large national parks, we usually get the train down and 5min taxi out to the Lake Hotel for our cycling base, as its right next-door to Muckross Park, and 10min cycle into town of races to the National Park. One year we got a taxi from the train, and the driver quizzed us as to why the hell had we chosen to visit Killarney on the May bank holiday weekend because the lakes of Killarney rally was on. He exclaimed the locals evacuate that weekend so bad is the noise in the town and all the anti-social behaviour from some of rally followers with their baseball caps & coke can exhaust amplified Impreza pretends roaming and cruising the town complete with shopping trolly spoilers on the rear. I said we didn't know it was on and he barked the 'crowd' who come down to watch it all thought they are Colin McRae but in truth none of them could reverse a trailer into a silage pit. I said it can't be that bad, he barked the gurriers were so bad, 200 extra Garda had been sent down from Dublin to stop the idiots from wrapping themselves around telegraph poles and killing pedestrians. I expressed surprise. He enquired what we'd be doing and when I told me we came down for a cycling weekend, he replied "I tell ou now for sure, ou will be kilt schton ded if ou go out on wan of dem dam byeschicles, kilt schton ded I tell ou". Needless to say we were perfectly safe cycling inside the two national parks along the lake shore, but could hear the whine of the professional rally drivers in the distance. We didn't hear any of the shopping trollies raving their 1.2 engines at night as we were staying outside the town. I said to the taxi driver, surely all these young rally supporters bring good tourist revenue into the town, he said "Not a bit of it, sure day schleep in deyr kiars, and only buy chips and cans of beer to eat, no money for the gwuest houses or hutels". Anyway we weren't kept awake by any of it, but notice d the heavy traffic cruising the town the day we left.