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Barl last won the day on March 23 2018

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  1. Hi Irishmail, If one of them was the one you sent to me I got it this morning safe and sound, just met the post man on my way out. Agree about the strange timings though, I've often sent cards or small parcels to Kildare from my local village post office and they'll arrive the next day, but have sent from larger towns and they can take 3 or 4 days to arrive!
  2. Freshly laid ballast will cover most of the sleepers but the ballast regulator - currently 703 that I'm aware of (with a new one to be commissioned) - normally removes most of the ballast from the top of the sleepers in the 5-foot. This doesn't always happen and can take some time after relaying. Removing the ballast allows the sleepers to be inspected easier and makes walking the track a bit less uncomfortable!
  3. Apparently it has been under environmental review with minor changes taking place also, based on comments received on the Draft version. It has gone for government approval now with the intention to release the final version at the end of summer according to DoT.
  4. Studio Scale Models should have them if it's any use to you. http://www.studio-scale-models.com/TDMU.shtml
  5. Very comprehensive and informative list Darrman, thanks for putting it together. Just to add to it, the bridge numbers may not represent the actual number of bridges/culverts/underpasses on that section. For example, you can have OBC274 (an overbridge) then UBC274A, UBC274B and UBC274C - all culverts after OBC274 in the high mileage direction. The Limerick Junction loop line appears to be undesignated as you say, but there are no structures or level crossings on this stretch. The mileposts follow the Heuston to Cork numbering but are designated LN (Limerick North) to LW (Limerick West).
  6. Full marks You can have a group TSC or solo TSC. Either is required for red zone working (live trains) without a lookout. Group is responsible for setting up a safe systems of work and designating the position of the lookout/s, where required, and the position of safety.
  7. It looks like 216 has been getting around. It was on Mk4 duties the week before Christmas looking badly in need of a wash!
  8. Platforms, like other structures such as bridges and culverts, have to be inspected every two years. During platform inspections a track gauge is used to check the clearance and height of the platform relative to the top of rail. The track gauge/width and cant (angle) is also checked, as well as the 6 foot's (distance to next track) where applicable. A structural inspection of the platform face and the copings also forms part of the overall inspection.
  9. As the lads have said a new platform should aim to be 915mm above top of rail but in reality this can vary greatly depending on whether you're modelling an older platform or a lesser used platform. More attention tends to be given to platforms with greater foot traffic. . Whether or not the track has been relaid and/or tamped can also impact on the platform height. I took the photo below during a platform inspection I was carrying out recently and you can see the variation in the height of the copings and the height of the new vs old coping stones.
  10. It's probably fallen through the cracks with everything else being announced at the SDMRC exhibition but I see that Marks Models are collaborating with Hornby to produce a model variant of the NCC 3F 'Jinty'. Did anybody manage to get any further information during the show? I only saw the small drawing on a page behind their stand.
  11. The Kirow crane was being stabled in the sidings at Clonmel today. It was an interesting sight as 088 pulled it from the Limerick direction, then ran around the loop at Clonmel to push it into the sidings. 088 had to wait close to an hour for the inspection car to pass, which was returning to Limerick Junction via the loop at Clonmel.
  12. The 22k set with the MTU powerpack rebuild trial was on the Limerick Junction to Waterford service this morning - I didn't get to hear it leaving but wonder if there's any difference in sound after the rebuild.
  13. Good to know why the 2800 set was sitting in the sidings, I thought it was a bit strange! The manouvre to get it out was interesting to watch with the 'twin' set having to head south towards Cork before switching ends and heading back towards Limerick.
  14. Luckily this bridge is fitted with protective beams on both sides to protect the bridge structure itself from damage in such an event! I drive under this bridge on a regular basis and it's tight enough in a car so I can't see how it was so badly judged!
  15. Barl

    New prototype?

    I was only just after reading about a similar scheme in Mayo! https://www.rte.ie/news/regional/2023/0608/1388194-changing-track-velorail-to-open-in-co-mayo/ I remember these were very popular in some parts of New Zealand, one I witnessed was in Whangamomona which used both pedal cars and converted golf carts on the line.
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