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Blaine last won the day on November 2 2022

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    I aint got time to bleed

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  1. Already is - sold off on adverts
  2. What parts are you looking for??
  3. or just make far superior stuff themselves like they did before. People fighting over gerrys 'stuff' is a race to the bottom
  4. All of his stuff immediately makes me think of this ad - 'Its, erm.....wonderful'
  5. Very little remains of the old Drogheda layout, time has moved on in both skills and available materials Dundalk will be on display at the October Show, along with another Dundalk based layout
  6. Best option given they open from 18.30 - 21.00 only these days
  7. Go hunting for a Matchbox Ford Cargo, or one of these, who also sell suitable chassis and cab https://www.roadtransportimages.com/shop/product/skip-loading-body-complete-with-2-skips-of-6-9yd-capacity
  8. Thanks Mammy, can you tidy my room and make me some food while you are at it please?
  9. The information is in this very thread
  10. and another that is looking for a new venue!!
  11. And the Murphys one will be along soon, the one on adverts cant really be described as a 'model'
  12. of course not, they expect information to be handed to them even when its right in front of them. Donedeal or the recycling centre for these, less messing
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