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Patrick Davey

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Patrick Davey last won the day on January 16

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    Brookhall Mill

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  1. Vvvvvery nice!
  2. She was inside Magherafelt shed until just a few minutes ago…….
  3. The man never stops! Nice smooth finish even with just the primer.
  4. Getting dark at Knockloughrim now, a blizzard is coming!
  5. They apparently got caught in a snow drift a few miles back towards Maghera but 80 has made it to Knockloughrim to raise the alarm……
  6. UTA-liveried U class 4-4-0 No. 80 ‘Dunseverick Castle’ has braved the snow to make a few visits to Knockloughrim this evening. This is a scene which was probably acted out in real life, about 75 years ago at least
  7. The last post from the OP here was 8 years ago……! If you’re still there Ian it would be great to hear about any progress or maybe plans to get going again? Plenty of help and advice available here
  8. Very nice - I am always impressed that you can see the potential in something Darius when it would be very easy to write it off, great work every time!
  9. Another very unusual and interesting project Darius!
  10. Seems like there is a significant arrival due at IRM Towers on January 15th.........
  11. The Irish Railway Record Society (IRRS) has an incredible members-only Flickr site, holding thousands of photos of Irish railway locations, most of which are as yet unpublished. It is easy to spend hours browsing, and not notice the time passing - as has been said before, this resource alone more than justifies the cost of the IRRS membership subscription. The IRRS Flickr site has recently been updated with several thousand more images, and yet again some very obscure locations feature, including Blackstaff Halt on the GNR's Irish North Western line in Co. Monaghan and Limavady on the NCC. Very highly recommended, and hats off to those who undertake what must be a mammoth effort to select and edit the photos, and then upload them, to create what must be the most extensive collection of Irish railway photographs anywhere. Edit: The IRRS Flickr site currently contains 26,573 photos.
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  12. Very impressive - love the depth around the windows and doors. Great stuff Kevin!
  13. Cheers - about 2mm depth for the clay
  14. Thanks everyone for your kind comments, always appreciated! There must be someone working the Sunday shift at Knockloughrim today as there was a late afternoon goods to be dealt with…… with unusual motive power…..
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