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flange lubricator

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flange lubricator last won the day on October 28 2022

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  1. Photo below a 30001 series 42' container flat as built 1971
  2. One of my own 30001 LP wagons (shapeways) with Cambrian Model rail ride control bogies and round buffers as built in 1971 .
  3. Here are some pictures of 30091 in Mallow in 2019 prior to it being scrapped. You can clearly see the checker plate floor so you won’t be able to see the ribs anyway .
  4. The IRM model is based on the later LP wagon which has the Sambre et Meuse bogies the earlier wagons had the Ride control bogies so the SSM model or shapeways one with bogies from Cumbrian model rail might be the better option .
  5. Here is a page from modern railways 1972 with a couple of other interesting wagons.
  6. From the appendix to the working timetable 1935 the GSR wagons 23650/2 were 26'6" in length with the well measuring 14'1/4".
  7. Worsley Works do a AEC railcar kit in brass which could be used to to convert the class 105. 4mm Scale - Irish Railways - Standard Gauge - Great Northern Railway Ireland - GNRI - CIE Park Royal Coach - CIE Laminates - Coaches for Irish Model Railways
  8. According to the Appendix to the Working Timetable 1935 the turntable is 55' long.
  9. Here is a lovely picture of the wagons on the Alexandra Road in Dublin.
  10. You can clearly see the mounting brackets for the esso signs .
  11. I think I was out that day in Clara it ran in daylight hours on Monday about lunchtime.
  12. 23/03/2002 128+135 on the Up Esso Liner From Sligo to North Wall passes Lough Owel between Edgeworthstown and Mullingar.
  13. Nice footage of the Esso liner on the Sligo line from 3.00
  14. The Esso wagons were much bigger too 15'0" wheelbase and 25'2 1/2"length and 27'8 1/2" over buffers with a 6000 Gallon capacity .
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