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  1. Our old friends in South Dublin Auction have even caught themselves in this description from the latest catalogue...
  2. NOW SOLD! Great Southern Railways Appendix to the Working Time Table 1st March 1935 until further notice This is a much sought after item these days and almost impossible to find in this un-issued condition. 250 pages of minute detail into railway operation in the 1930s. Details as to length of platforms, water tank capacity, turntable dimensions, operating instructions for specific locations such as at Glengalt Incline on the Tralee & Dingle, and the West Clare are all here. Canvas bound and in truly excellent condition. €30 including postage with FREE tracking within the Republic. Extracts can be seen here: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/8482-1935-appendix-to-the-working-timetable/
  3. It was definitely an item that needed close physical examination rather than relying on online photographs before bidding. Having just looked at the Didcot link https://didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/article.php/421/tuesday-treasures-august-2020 I suspect the poster is some sort of repro.
  4. This nice and seemingly genuine Cork, Bandon & South Coast Rly poster sold at O'Donovan's (Newcastle West) today for €180.00 - for nothing if the real deal: https://www.easyliveauction.com/catalogue/lot/8191c6612f862f237b43cfd9b7c3c715/0af8d24542e81eb9357e7ef448a6646f/a-wide-variety-of-antiques-and-collectibles-including-a-lot-37/
  5. Two railway company plates - the last from my once extensive collection - both with varying degrees of damage. That said, neither have deteriorated in the 40+ years that I have owned them and would enhance any collection. The NCC plate (9" diameter) is the better of the two with the damage confined to a chip to the back; the GNR plate (9") is what it is but is structurally sound. You are paying for the time and effort that I will have to put into packing them up for posting so that they arrive safe and sound. Available for €25 including postage with FREE tracking. Postage to Northern Ireland may be more expensive.
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  6. It's Monday's Nationwide at 7pm for the railway slot.
  7. Apart from there never having been such a MGWR sign - the first two letters top left don't match the others, the spacing is wrong, there's no wear around the bolt holes and the sign in general shows no wear. It's based on the standard GSWR gate sign with the G.S. & ground off and two new letters added before casting to make the new sign.
  8. Another crude fake on eBay for a mere £145 - from a reputable seller - I have advised them. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326344903438?_skw=IRELAND+RAILWAY&itmmeta=01JD4BRGKG7F6G39QT9ZFTCSNY&hash=item4bfbac0b0e:g:Dr8AAOSwyz1nPN-x&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkK%2BDdS5m%2FL1znQhd8KqGJA1lixRzG2IH%2F4yjNczGnONu%2B%2BFYuvQoz7vJBevXH9lSUNp1ZL9TKsmk4ed2rMwzUmAsVlzgtYHOcKoWfpfwkD%2FNEVZPW9QlT63wA%2B5Hp3lj8hac0%2B0AFe2aIkVwcqDqTe0kE4qBYbJY78yp8RWXUu1tuljBbgQymtY0Kgj2LowFwZRtE7SaqbzLquRJnLG8gcvCUV2amxh0VL6JpDax6MT03ehG%2BrzAYovpNitbTQrhE9ruUc%2FfUzalKZDsQvn8KpcXB2Qe5H%2FV4Fh%2BnrxEXNEw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-yJ4ovpZA
  9. For anybody looking for Christmas presents for that enthusiast 'friend' that they secretly dislike South Dublin Auction may have the answer in their latest auction: https://www.easyliveauction.com/catalogue/9b7a7c19f797442cdcf2e692b8929144/0af8d24542e81eb9357e7ef448a6646f/our-huge-jewellery-and-designer-goods-auction-with-over-300/?searchTerm=RAILWAY&searchOption=1 Surely these are genuine - they are so rusty!
  10. A rush of blood to the head a couple of years back saw me buy this print (6.5" x 10.5") of "Maedhbh". for way too much and in any event it does not suit my purposes. The print is by Browne & Nolan, Dublin, and is on stiff paper/very light card. The reverse is not damaged as image would appear to show - it's just the colour from the front showing through. I haven't seen another example of this print - no artist indicated but possibly Costelloe. First €40 offer will be accepted and includes FREE tracked postage within the Republic of Ireland.
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  11. Nice graffiti at the start of the video!!
  12. I wasn't! Incidentally why is Dublin shown as Connolly not Dublin (Connolly) and for inconsistency why are Dundalk and Drogheda not give their pointless 1916 'patriot' names to really confuse people. You know - Clarke Rail Halt instead of Dundalk Rail Halt....
  13. Is that timetable some sort of junior enthusiast production or am I missing something? Train Station, Rail Station, Station and Dundalk Rail Halt??? Not to mention that the service was faster 30/40 years ago.
  14. The McGowan brothers built this for me back in the late 1980s - pic doesn't do justice to how good the model was.
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