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  1. This fourth article takes the journey as far as Letterkenny. ... http://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/07/13/the-burtonport-extension-of-the-llsr-londonderry-and-lough-swilly-railway-part-4-barnes-gap-to-letterkenny/
  2. This next article continues the journey along the Burtonport extension towards Letterkenny. ... http://rogerfarnworth.com/2024/04/30/the-burtonport-extension-of-the-londonderry-amp-lough-swilly-railway-part-3/
  3. In April/May 2023 my wife and I stayed in Co. Donegal for a couple of weeks, planning to walk as much as possible of the L&LSR as far as Letterkenny. The linked article covers the first length of the line heading East from Burtonport http://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/04/28/the-burtonport-extension-of-the-londonderry-lough-swilly-railway-part-1/ This next article covers a second length of the line. ... http://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/05/05/the-burtonport-extension-of-the-londonderry-lough-swilly-railway-part-2/
  4. I have been reading a lot of older magazines recently and thought that those interested in this thread might find links to articles about the Isle of Man interesting. The first of these comes from the late 1950s when the Manx Electric Railway was nationalised. .... It was 1957 when the Manx Electric Railway was nationalised by the Manx Government. The Modern Tramway Journal reported on this in the late 1950s. http://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/06/19/the-modern-tramway-part-7-the-manx-electric-railway/ The Modern Tramway Journal returned to look at the Manx Electric Railway in 1962, five years after nationalisation, to assess progress. ... The report was divided between the June and July 1962 editions of the journal. ... http://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/08/06/manx-electric-tramway-1957-to-1962-a-review-5-years-after-nationalisation/
  5. Hi Chris_W. It is a long while since we were in touch. I have just been enjoying your drawings Of the railways of Derry. I trust you are well. I am sorry that I cannot help with your request as I live in Telford now. I know that you have allowed me to share some of your work on my blog in the past and I was wondering if you might allow me to share extracts from your drawing showing the railways as they were in 1948/49 as part of an article that I am writing about the closure of the Port and Harbour Commissioners Tramways in Derry. Kind regards Roger Farnworth (rogerfarnworth.com)
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