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Everything posted by james1994

  1. Would anyone know if the motorised signal I got from dapol would work with a z21 signal decoder. I'm trying find out if it has momentary switching in the z 21 signal decoder so works with the dapol motorised signal. I haven't bought the decoder yet.
  2. What you mean by lettuce I'm bit new to it. Only reason I go for the motorised signal is it is more practical to install and works with DCC layout right away but I also see your point. I will be using mix of studio scale signals and dapol.
  3. I've gotten a lower quadrant semaphore signal from dapol it's really good and looks the part there is definitely differnces to the one at Dundrum station but it's very minor differences in my opinion. It's a GWR one so it's lower quadrant which is ideal for my layout. Only difference is that the GWR one has ladder and a stand at the top the one at Dundrum doesn't have ladder from the picture I see. And few other things different but again it's very minor. I feel it captures what I want. It's motorised also and that is handy. Not too difficult to install
  4. just curious what it would potientally take to get gsr 800 back running mainline. i know its not possible. its more just wanting to know in detail why it could or could not go on to mainline. i know that the axle load is near 21 plus tonnes per axle. and that its very tall also
  5. So I added recently some train tech lights into the cravens. To get the body off is bit of fuss but with some patience and some cocktail sticks and a card to prize the body off. Hair be very gentle taking the body of the carriage off. The Murphy models mk 2 there is much easier to install lights just know that the body is bit transparent so use electrical tape or something else to help light not leak through it. VID20231218010150.mp4 It can be bit like that at first going into DCC lol. But once you get the basics it's really good.
  6. so i recently i was having hard time setting up a cobalt ip digital but not to worry i sorted it. pretty much to do with the addresses. point motor works perfectly. just has a few quirks to sort but nothing thats too difficult. i have the article to help here if anyone has the same issues i had. i have z21. it is a issue that only pertains to the z21 and how it reads the addresses of the cobalt ip digital. the article explains it better. just thought to put it here since some other may get the same issues on there layout not know what to do. once you know what to do its pretty easy. There's a example of the point motor working now. https://www.dccconcepts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/TP-An-Alert-for-Roco-Z21-Accessory-Addressing-Problems.pdf VID20231128191837.mp4
  7. I wired up the electro frogs and will test them. I hadn't soldered points till today so I think I've done okay so far. if there is tips to my wiring here im all ears. i have the isolating rail joiners on them too.
  8. loving the layout is it based on anywhere particular
  9. This is the tracks at Dundrum it's more less seeing what it looks like. Next stage drill holes for wires. I don't want to put anything down permanently yet till I see how it curves into the part of the layout. I am using pictures of dundrum is what I'm basing this on. The platform won't be as big as it was in real life but I will still have all the detail it had on the platforms. i will have 4 point motors in that area. the small siding that was at dundrum im not exactly sure what it was used for i think maybe a extra engine to be put there on a busy day or maybe a cattle stop or something like that. if any information comes up about the siding there i will try find it if i can. https://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000303664 thats what im using to help me with getting what you see here to look as it did in real life.
  10. just need help what be the best one for me to use
  11. That's some my cravens I have at the moment all I need is a van will be a regular on the layout once completed. I do have a snack cravens coach I will be getting park royals from irm too which will go nicely with this set. It was common for cravens and park royals to work together especially with rpsi in the 2000s on the Santa tours.
  12. for the layout curves im pretty much going for as large a radius i can fit too. for tracks im using peco flexi and semi flexi track. for points they are large right and left hand points all will be electrofrog points. as for point motors ill be using cobalt ip digital. bus wire im thinking will be 1 mm. dropper wires 0.75 or something like that. red and black for droppers and blue and brown wires for bus wires. using tracksetta to help with my curves on the layout.
  13. first part of layout been made is dundrum station so that is what im working on. doing it one section at a time. im gonna be using lot of jim odea collection photos to help me visualise how it will look and its size. there is very small siding there too. will be putting cantinarys on the layout too so to represent a what if it survived and never closed and became a dart line. so rolling stock im going for is range of stuff really wanna represent what was on the line but also what potentially may been on it like cravens and mk 2 bs and so on. i will be adding also signal point rodding to make it look realisic that comes later of course. see in the picture there is siding there. gonna also try do the old bridge at dundrum not sure what i will use to make it maybe plasic kit bashed or make it from hand with like brass or something like that. gonna use some picures here of what it look like today probably i thought will help visualise it Holdings_ View of the tracks, Dundrum, Co. Dublin_.pdf Holdings_ Station, Dundrum, Co. Dublin_.pdf
  14. Who did those coaches in the rpsi blue and white for you ?
  15. thanks i may need to clear my head take breath try calm myself for sure @Gabhal Luimnigh i think maybe make one section first as i think im trying to think too big too fast lost in detail. im making this with my dad too as well.
  16. i am very new to this hobby i am finding it very hard to make a layout i think im overthinking everything. i think for harcourt street station the station is above street level which is all good but how high should that be right would like 3 feet height be enough or would i need to be bit higher. way im measuring is using a 00 1.76 dublin bus model so to get the scale right. now from there the layout would go to milltown viaduct then from that the layout goes to dundrum after that foxrock. should i get the bare bones of it down first like wiring and track then add other things later
  17. my question is how do i measure the height of things to scale. so if i want to make harcourt street station for example how do i measure in scale. like how high should a building be compared to the road and so on. also im finding it hard to know how much space i would need in terms of width.
  18. hi this is james just saying this looks awesome this is james from model railway club
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