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Everything posted by George

  1. Hi, I have completed the questionnaire. Apologies for the delay, I was busy with other things. many thanks, George. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JFSR29Y https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5QQVKS
  2. Apologies for the inconvenience, my guess is that the link won’t work due to restrictions, as I created the form using my school account. current working on a replacement survey, using SurveyMonkey. many thanks
  3. Hi, apologies for the issues with the link, I’ll try to copy the questions into a different site, possibly survey monkey as suggested above. many thanks.
  4. Hi there, For my A-level business coursework, l decided to create a business plan for a model train shop, however I need more data for my primary research. Would it be possible to fill out the attached form please, any results would be greatly appreciated and would help towards my A-level coursework. Many thanks. https://forms.office.com/e/Xwp62e62Ti
  5. If it weren’t for the oo works Version, I’d say the j15, lots of potential for black and grey unrebuilt and rebuilt versions, possibly even oil burning and special editions.
  6. As much as I would love an 800, I wouldn't mine a V or S class, which I think are most likely.
  7. @murrayec, I'll look and see what I can find. many thanks.
  8. Hi there, I am thinking of purchasing a trix steam locomotive soon, most likely the SJ 1200, does any one know if these models will run using the Hornby R8250 controller, also are there any apps that could be used to control the models digital functions? many thanks.
  9. George


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