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  1. Hi all, Anyone selling MM201 number 220 ?
  2. So anyone selling??
  3. 20241212_164142.mp4 Hi all, Short video of 124 with ballast wagons, i cant seem to track down auto ballasters so these will do. 187 pulls cement wagons , while 007 waits to start up for a local service. In the back ground the local car club meet up outside the aul pub getting ready for a sunday spin. Thanks for looking , im thinking of adding on another 2ft on in the future.
  4. Anyone know what type of oil was carried ? Fuel oil, Lub oil ,HFO ??
  5. Hi all, I know there like hens teeth but Anyone selling a auto ballaster ?
  6. Hi all, Just wondering was there ever a coal wagon produced for irish railways ? Used down south?
  7. Brillant stuff! ,just wondering where did you get the billboard prints?
  8. Bit of running today with A class locos after the bank holiday weekend last week much needed supplies of Lyons tea( would be better if they were barrys ) and beer kegs arrive into town with 007 in front. 048 brings mags wagons from waterford to tivoli. I also put up a display cabnet which filled up nicely. Thanks for looking and happy modeling.
  9. Super stuff, can you purhase coal loads for these as well? from accurasale?
  10. Hi all, No nothing on british railways but these wagons look great form accurascale, but what loads did they carry coal? Thanks
  11. Any ideas when the Accurascale Cawoods coal container will be back in stock? Thanks.
  12. Hi patrick, thanks , sure am , its great to see it all come together and get stock moving around.
  13. Its been awhile , small update, the layout is growing all the time now was running some cement bubbles today with 174 in front , 007 pulling fuel oil tankers with CIE containers and 073 with the new IRM mk2b coaches , thanks for looking and happy modeling
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