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Jamie Davis

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  • Location
    Kells, Meath


  • Biography
    Hello! I am a young railway modeller from the greater Meath/Westmeath area. I model in 00, 009 and a bit of 16mm scale too. Interested in Irish and Welsh narrow gauge railways


  • Interests
    Railways, Agriculture, vintage machinery, motorsports

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  1. Jamie Davis

    Jamie Davis

  2. Hello all, I am new to the forum, and looking for a couple things… I am very interested in the Tralee and Dingle railway, and its locomotives. I have recently seen videos of 16mm scale live steam Tralee and Dingle locos made by John Campbell. Now, most of these videos range from 8-12 years old, leading me to believe that the channels they are on are no longer active, meaning my comments on said videos are pretty useless. I did some rooting around on Google, Facebook, all sorts of online platforms and I have found no traces of John Campbell or his models, except for a few old threads. Is anyone aware of how I can get into contact with John, or what details I could get about the models, eg price, availability, time to make, etc.. I would also be grateful to be informed of anywhere else I can get 16mm scale Irish locos? I may have seen a live steam Guinness brewery tramway loco floating around somewhere online.. Best regards —
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