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Everything posted by roxy_guy10

  1. Cheers Jason, will do
  2. I'm on about the old peco printed back scenes, they look very 1970's and I love them for some reason, I think it's from childhood, not very Irish looking I know apart form some of the country scenes which would pass.
  3. Cheers Noel, Yes back scenes and low relief buildings are a must for me, they add so much. I'm a sucker for the old peco ones, rather than photo realistic ones. I find the trouble with a photo realistic one is that if your layout isn't super detailed and accurate they can look out of place.
  4. Moving along . . track laying this weekend hopefully
  5. The boards are 2ft wide all round, handy that way as they were split from 8x4. The width of the room is 13ft so the long edge is 13ft long, the dept is 10ft, I could not go anymore than 10ft on the short edge as it would block access to the water tank. It's a good space alright, my last one was made exactly the same way but we could only go 7ft on the short edge, 10ft on the long edge. A 2ft width can easily fit 1st-4th radius and till have room for passing loops or long sidings. In fact on my last layout a squeezed in a 5th line using jouef 12inch radius track which could run pannier tanks and the like. Then I added an elevated line also, bringing it to 6 lines. Complete madness I know, but it was good fun! I'll probably do the same here.
  6. Cheers, I don't know would my skill set allow for realistic clouds, but it would look great alright. Track laying soon.
  7. Progress. . . . .
  8. Winging it, more fun that way! won't be too faraway from the old layout which had a whopping 6 lines and 15 full length trains.
  9. I love Irish stuff and have a fair bit of it, but I run a bit of everything, won't be any particular era which I know isn't everyones cup of tea. I put the green colour on the wall as a nod to the old CIE livery. I am a confirmed DC only man, will probably be 4 lines (1st to 4th radius), passing loops, long sidings, lots of full length trains like the old layout, lots of operational potential. Very old fashioned in the approach I know, but that's just me!!
  10. Cheers, the brother is a dab hand with metal. He makes swords for a living.
  11. Boards going in tomorrow, 2ft wide all round, 10ft long on the short end, 13ft on the long end, so yes will have plenty to play with. My inner child always wanted a hornby suspension bridge so that will have to be worked in somewhere on the 13ft length.
  12. I have one of those, the buffer beams look much shorter on mine though, was part of a set with a car transporter.
  13. Cheers, he made 4 of them so I might stick 2 of them on the car!
  14. Hi All, Moved house so the railway was put away for along time. Glad to be getting back to it. I'm moving it into the loft in the new house. Baseboards coming soon. Hope everyone is well during these very strange times.
  15. Hi All, Long break from model trains, getting back to it now. My brother does metal work and made these for me, not original of course but will be going in the railway room.
  16. Hi everyone, a revamped version of Ballinderry Model Railway is now open to the public. I have been helping out with the project as it's not far from where I live. John is a very nice chap and if continental is your thing the huge layout won't disappoint. Here's a link to a promo video on their FB page.
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