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Posts posted by Weshty

  1. Those little puppies (the model ones now) can cost $5000 each, massive power,have to be computer controlled and consume fuel at a rate of knots.



    Check out this one

  2. A truely superb piece of model architecture.


    Says it all. Superbly rendered. I remember looking at modelling "how to do it" books for houses back in the 80's and they talked of building up the layers and getting all the detail right and it seemed so complicated for even the simplest structure.


    And then I see this representation of a highly complex structure which just blows all that out of the water and the cherry on the cake is that it's done in such a short time (respectively that is).

  3. How do you put a price on building something like that...Wow!!

    You don't. 'Er indoors would divorce you on the spot :)


    Come teh mid-life crisis, this beats a Harley Ultra Glide hands down.


    Truly amazing piece of work...and TWO Heljians. Love the tire marks on the concrete apron.

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