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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. I have the transfers / decals for the GSR ...so if interested!
  2. Nice one John. I did some outline etch designs for the Laminate underframe some time ago, as well as a master for the CIE version of the Commonwealth bogie sides. My main issue was to capture the roof and side strapping detail while keeping the build and solder work required relatively easy. (ya know, cut, bend, bolt or solder with minimal parts). Like yourself, floating rather than progressing it (just too busy on other projects currently). But who knows!
  3. There is one of these up in Howth as well! Delapitated but extant.
  4. Definitely a new transfer set or two. Just need the interest!
  5. That photo is striking. Pin-sharp and great colour. It could have been taken today only for the COMPLETE lack of uniforms and PPE. The lads look like like they're doing a bit of work in between saving the hay and heading off for a sneaky one.
  6. There's the makings of a good reference book in all those fine photos, great work done in collating it.
  7. I still remember the sense of wonderment when Paddy's 141s first became available. They really were next level compared to anything else that was on the market at the time.
  8. Lovely looking loco and very well prepared photos. Atmospheric....no pun intended.
  9. Oh my sweet giddy aunt. That really looks fantastic. Well done sir, well done! I was marvelling at your interior work, and had forgotten that when I designed the kit that it included all this detail. @Mol_PMB Yes, the kit is designed to be able to take a 35mm wheelbase Black Beetle. I bought one for test fitting just to make sure. Some googling shows that you could use a Tenshodo equivalent motor bogie. http://motorbogies.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=304
  10. Typically a friction fit. And superglue the inner edges for extra security.
  11. That's a very cool implementation of 3d printing. Coming up on 17 years since I bought the SSM range from Paul. A complete gentleman.
  12. As an update folks, I have plenty of the 101 Sulzers in stock, as well as the requisite brass detailing. I also have brass staff catchers that I can provide free of charge with the kits if wanted. I've also reduced the price to €70,
  13. The Downpatrick car has the antenna shown as here.
  14. Lovely job done. The antenna is in the centre of the roof. I'll confirm when I get access to my archive this evening.
  15. That's a class looking model. Will definitely be on the shopping list. Well done Paddy.
  16. I don't have the artwork readily available, so would be working with the etches. The bigger task is resizing all the brass and whitemetal castings. Unfortunately It's too big a task to take on currently
  17. I took over the Northstar range of Irish kits, which includes the 7mm PP. For those that might be interested.
  18. I sure am. Loads of new brass poles in stock as well.
  19. Hi all, Great to see the interest. I think it may be a security cert issue. I'll be updating my webprovider in the new year and this should eliminate the issue. @Westcorkrailway, just drop me an email to dezsullivan@gmail.com and I'll sort you out. With my inventory restocked, I've dropped the price on the Sulzer 101 resin kit. Also have a load of 041/081/071 wipers back in stock for those interested.
  20. Hi All, just to note that I have received my latest batch of etches which include stock of the J26.
  21. The old airfix Mk2 or hornby should do the job Sean. I have the sides in stock.
  22. Hi all, I'll still active with the models, send any queries to dezsullivan@gmail.com. The info@ssm no longer works. All the best, Des
  23. Weshty


  24. Gents, rest assured I have plenty of Sulzer 101 kits in stock.
  25. Superb work on the kits Eoin, I'll have to amend the instructions to cater for your lovely work on the gas tanks! Great patience to work on the 4 of them. I like your bench vice, very tidy and useful
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