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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Lordy, that's a long shtreel of a yoke.
  2. Absolutely love this post. This is the stuff 8 year olds dream of. And really helped by the excellent sound. Well done Noel.
  3. Good job done, you're a brave man, but they look mighty!
  4. I did a GSV this time 10 years ago (good god but time flies). I used the Bachmann BSK as a donor. it is a lovely kit to use as it had the correct bogies. More importantly, the sides click off and allows you to cut them and swap them around and recycle all of the kit with a minimum of filler. I took a photo of the cuts to be done so I'll see if I can root it out and post it up. Mayner's comment has reminded me that I need to send my irish commonwealth bogies off to the moulders, and get the brass etches for them out and available.
  5. Very professional looking there lads, I hope you have your Safepasses at the ready
  6. Very, very tasty Jason.
  7. they look cracking! Is the top part of the 073 airhorn chopped off???
  8. Ohhh nice!
  9. Hi Noel, They're stored out in the open at the back of the Ramble Inn (which is closed the last time I was there). You can see them from the main road though.
  10. Hi Noel Halfway is about 8 miles from Cork City on the main Bandon road. Past Ballinhassig, and 5 mile before Inishannon. 5 miles after the Chetwynd viaduct
  11. Sounds like the regular clientel in Sack's Nightclub (or Barry's if you were slumming it). Ah the old Fiat 127, much cooler looking than the 128. Congrats on the Joeuf Wrenner, though if Santa gave me that back in the day, I'd have taken a contract out on him.
  12. With all that diddley-eye music I thought I was down at the Clonakilty Model Rail Village for a while And then the jazz kicked in, and sure t'was like being at the Metropole in October.
  13. That is very, very impressive and works very well, would love to know just what he did to make it work.
  14. The good deity on a bike. That is superb work, the flow / valve gear alone has me weak at the knees. That is some high bar you've set yourselves lads. Just awesome. A labour of love, dedication, research and talent.
  15. the 201s in the interm and new Enterprise liveries, Sweeeeeeet
  16. Cracking looking model, even the fine detailing of the side mirrors and the checkerplate steps at the front entrance. well done.
  17. The train times are insanely slow due to the speed restrictions. 2-4 hours for a 60 mile journey. Bus Eireann express currently takes 75 minutes. And with the motorway, you'll do it in little over 50 minutes.
  18. LOVE that livery. Well done RPSI & Mr. Murphy
  19. Oi! "When all fruit fails, welcome haws". Those Kinders did the state some service for a long time (and that's Othello by the way, though C.J. did rob it). Having said that, the attention to detail on the lads' bubbles is of nose-bleeding quality. Borderline obsessive (in a good way). Really looking forward to these puppies.
  20. The roundy roundy under the bed...heh! What was absolutely endearing was to see these grown men revert in an instant into bright eyed young fellas as they talked about their first set/railway experience. Especially Peter Waterman. Worth an absolute snotload and yet his passion as he discussed his first Trix plastic set had me grinning and chuckling.
  21. Watched it last night, very caring and passionate documentary. Really enjoyable. Shocking to think there was half a billion sterling worth of trains coming in from Germany in 1914 (in today's money).
  22. €165?? Damn fine value, and I''m quite partial to it. And with Mr Murphy's buffet and egv, your sorted. All good.
  23. Jayzus Eoin, that is a lovely looking model. Well done, looks fantastic,
  24. Lads, those yokes are so freshly painted and clean, that could be a model shot.
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