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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Oh that is very nice. HO scale?
  2. And we're back up and accessible, thank you all for your concern, much appreciated!
  3. Hi all, just to let you know the site is accessible again, so all is well! All the best Des
  4. Hi all, Rest easy all, still working away at SSM Towers. I am having technical difficulties with my hosting at the moment and should have it sorted in the next few days. Feel free to email me at info@studio-scale-models.com Good to know y'all care Regards Des
  5. Hi all, Rest easy folks, I have not shut down the site. I am having technical difficulties with my hosting at the moment and should have it sorted in the next few days. Feel free to email me at info@studio-scale-models.com
  6. It was a great day there, good to see a few familiar faces, put faces to names and a new ones as well! It was very well attended with young and old, one of the best in the last few years actually. There was a lot of engagement at the stand with plenty of interest and queries. One big thing that has changed is the lighting as they have retrofitted LED lighting and the place is far, far brighter than it used to be. Looking forward to the next one.
  7. Well done Leslie, a fantastic kit and will be very welcome.
  8. Damn! Looking really good. She's had a long journey to restoration from when we started back on her in the Loco Shed in Mallow in '84 with the GSRPS.
  9. Very tastefully done Eamonn, just scurvy enough!
  10. Stunning piece of work there Eoin, it will be some animal in "O".
  11. 1960 £1 around €55 today.
  12. Weshty

    RIP Eamon Kerney

    I've just heard that our old friend Eamon Kerney has passed away last Sunday. He will be reposing at Colliers Funeral Home, Old Connaught Avenue, Bray on Thursday evening (July 5) from 6.00pm to 8.00pm, with prayers at 7.30pm. Requiem Mass on Friday (July 6) at 10.00am in the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock followed by burial in Dean’s Grange Cemetery. Eamon was a true gent and an incredibly talented designer and engineer, who would put most modellers to shame with his skills. Even in recent years he made sure to attend the main exhibitions, including Cultra. He was always very generous with his time and knowledge and will be deeply missed. May he rest in peace.
  13. That's what it sounds like. Big change!
  14. Looks like IR are adding a new separate platform to connect to the north east side of the station.
  15. Weshty

    OO Works J15

    I'd have a word with Aidan Campbell on that.. A good man for the figures.
  16. ooooh. Very sharp intake of breath there. The UG class is a fine looking little model. Well wear sir.
  17. Weshty

    RIP Jim Bayle

    Just heard this sad news from John Hayes. RIP Jim
  18. Good lord, is it three years?? If there is a demand for them, I'll get the moulds made in the next few weeks. Let me know folks.
  19. The Sid Meade of Bladerunner? That's interesting
  20. You've really done it justice with the paint job. Between the white cover for the coupling hook, blue springs and green holder, it really adds to it.
  21. those deteriorating cones and rods will get you every time eh?
  22. Saw this last night, thought about screen grabbing and posting, but figured there's be somebody in there before me. I was right! It looked absolutely superb. There was one shot of two of them coming in and out of a tunnel and you'd definitely be thinking"small or far away?" Not impressed with RTE dragging out Colm Mc Carthy's world weary sardonic schtick TBH. Subjective reporting at its most amateur.
  23. I have the golden transfers for old school p&t and the orange and black 70s era available. Also includes van logo decals.
  24. Ballast shoulders. So there is a name for the shape of the ballast on a mainline. Nice one.
  25. +1 Wrenn. Probably the only show to listen to on Today FM. The rest is just variants of reheated Ant'n'Dec.
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