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JasonB last won the day on January 1

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  • Birthday February 16

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  1. Seriously,Tik-Tok? you know me better than that. Anyway, thanks for the glowing reference, Dave.
  2. Trainspotter? I'd love to know how you came to that conclusion. Yes, failed to break even, so you've just agreed with the point I was making. Patronising bad manners? Maybe have a look at your reply to my original post, which didn't actually concern you, and it might explain my reaction. And what about the numerous insults in your post above? And for your information, I am old enough to remember the 1980's, and they weren't all that great. Even if I wasn't, is it your belief that nobody is entitled to an opinion if they're not a relic? One positive that has come from these interactions, is that it has confirmed my personal opinion of this forum and the handful of members who continue to gaslight and bully, while avoid being called out. One in particular, being a repeat offender, who decided to react to this post, for no reason other than to provoke a reaction.
  3. Sorry, who are you, another one of Captain Nostalgia's musketeers? I'll explain what I mean. It's quite simple really. Nowadays, Irish Rail get passengers from A to B and in the process of doing so, try to break even. Reason being, because it's not 1984 anymore. @Noel brought up forty years ago, which by the way has nothing to do with the original post in this thread. @DJ Dangerous has explained exactly what I meant above, so has saved me the bother of wasting anymore of my time on this today.
  4. Yeah, I think it goes a little further than just seat covers. And by the way, it's not 1984 anymore.
  5. 1:18 scale SCANIA 143 Streamline
  6. Stomper! Brings back some great memories from 1996. I still have a cassette somewhere with this track on it. Back in the days when you had to record a DJ mix on a Hi-Fi system. Good times.
  7. Lovely stuff. All you're missing is the pilot man hanging from the cab It's a pity they weren't used like this more often. I've always preferred the look of the 121 running bonnet first.
  8. Lovely wagons, Noel. I'd like to get my hands on a few of these and see how they'd look with the SSM detailing kit applied.
  9. Yep, have to agree with you, Rob. There's something strangely satisfying about it
  10. JasonB

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    You can dangle the carrot, but I'm not biting. My comment was based on the fact, that some people were of the opinion that these would be slow to move. It seems that they are proving popular, which is always a positive sign for Irish railway modelling in general. I've no interest in getting into the issues regarding the previous run. Some, thought that the colour was off, and they're entitled to their opinion. I'm just glad we have manufacturers willing to produce these models.
  11. Cheers, Noel. Thought so, definitely a difference in sound there.
  12. One of my favourite layouts on here. There's so many small details, everywhere you look. Great stuff @Rob.
  13. Brilliant stuff @Dempsey. Love seeing that grubby 141 trundling about.
  14. What decoder are you using there, Noel. It sounds a little more beefed up, than the MM decoder for the 201. Or maybe I'm wrong.
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