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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Agreed. AL, SG, PP, T2, V, S, L12, K15, 20T Brake Van etc.....
  2. Lots of little treasures there. And can bid online as well. I'd like to know the how the "90" loco plate is up for auction. I remember back in 1984 as part of the GSRPS when she was being moved off the platform at Mallow being very disconcerted about gauges and other items being removed ostensibly for "restoration" in a very haphazard fashion.
  3. Ahh no...won't anyone think of the children??
  4. Ah FFS, that's cat altogether.
  5. I'm thinking Laurence Olivier in "Marathon Man". Issss it safe yah?
  6. Lovely looking wagons. I don't doubt the blood, sweat, tears, beer, late night Maxwell House, Red Bull and Twenty Majors that fuelled the eventual arrival of these little puppies. To quote the old Amstel ad "This is going to be great!"
  7. Try a smooth clean piece of styrene sheet.
  8. Oh lordy lordy yes. The voice of truth.
  9. Cracking restoration there Patrick, and a wealth of good technical info from the others.
  10. My question exactly. Quality scratch building of the first water.
  11. Nurse, the screens! The Screens!!
  12. Beautiful work Owen. All together now, these are veeeeeeeery small and those are far away.....
  13. Sssss. Very sharp intake of breath. Lovely work.
  14. By coincidence Igot an email from them today. Very tempted....
  15. Shem, Wishing you well, may the food be edible and all the nurses smile for you every day.
  16. Now there is something I'd love to time travel back to!
  17. Well done Mike, looks great to see the progress. Bring it on!
  18. Oh yes, those are very good. Love the rust on the corrugated iron roof.
  19. Sooooo, any update? Are we there yet, are we there yet? I'm so excited Camel!
  20. How about this? 1. Undercoat the coach with white primer. 2. Mask the white with 2mm masking tape. 3. Spray the tan. 4. Mask the tan and spray the black on the side & roof 5. Remove all masking tape 6. (optional) Spray Clear Satin varnish for that "fresh from the Inchicore wash" look.
  21. Wow, a fine looking kit. Definitely interested in one John. Jeremy's work is astoundingly good...as always! Lost wax brass work is always nice too. Well done.
  22. God's speed sir, and wishing all well soon.
  23. Folks, I am giving serious consideration to a comprehensive Hi-Bee kitbashing pack -NS buffet split windows etches -the three NS observation carriage windows on a half etched backplate to simplify scratchbuilding -decals for coaches and the loco -full set of nickle silver county nameplates Cost should be c.€45 or €62 including the MK3 side etches Let me know if you're interested.
  24. Ahh now, that's just nuts.
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