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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Class work Eoin, and I can only imagine the hours and hours required. Mad stuff.
  2. Thanks lads. I've given up a bit on Model Rail, same old same old after 10 years. You can only read so often about applying decals and adding etched components. It used to have a lot more kitbashing articles in the past. Good to see something new to try.
  3. So Ben's not on your Christmas card list then?
  4. Carrs Red Flux liquid. Your only man.
  5. Wonderful work as always David, and you make it look so effortless. Congrats.
  6. But how did they get the fig into the figrolls, that is the question....
  7. Oh that is a tasty little token(?)
  8. New toys are always just so much fun. Nice one Dave.
  9. Or Brian Boru's axe
  10. Those shots are class, looks very realistic. \Well done sir.
  11. Near mulranney Achill line?
  12. There's money back in the country lads....
  13. You'll want the fit of your health to do that cycle at speed. Gravel paths, swing gates and a 500' elevation. Fabulous going through the woods though near Templeglatine. Now if they can only get the stretch to Listowel finished.
  14. Detracting from the pantomime a little, can I suggest yee all get yeer butts and bikes down to the Deise Greenway pronto? I cycled it from Dungarvan to Blaa City and back a few weeks ago with Er' Indoors and it blows the Western and Barnagh out of the water. The quality really is there, given they spent c.€300k a kilometer as versus the standard €60k. I'll pop up a few photos later, but the highlights are the coastal approach to Dungarvan, the Ballyvoyle tunnel,the Kilmacthomas viaduct and the estuary approach to Waterford.
  15. That is a lovely piece of work Eoin. And home etched and everything, now THAT is impressive.
  16. Ohh that is just brilliant. A little bit of weathering aand shadowing on that crane and it could look like a photo out of the Times!
  17. Ohhh I like those, especially the Dampers.
  18. The research, info gathering, trial and error and slow build of a scratchkit is half the fun. I really enjoyed kitbashing a Mk2 gen van using an old Airfix carriage. I knew every square inch of it and the work that went into it. When I got Mr. murphy's RTR version I was obviously delighted, but still prefer the one I built myself!
  19. Sound man. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. Agreed. AL, SG, PP, T2, V, S, L12, K15, 20T Brake Van etc.....
  21. Lots of little treasures there. And can bid online as well. I'd like to know the how the "90" loco plate is up for auction. I remember back in 1984 as part of the GSRPS when she was being moved off the platform at Mallow being very disconcerted about gauges and other items being removed ostensibly for "restoration" in a very haphazard fashion.
  22. Ahh no...won't anyone think of the children??
  23. Ah FFS, that's cat altogether.
  24. I'm thinking Laurence Olivier in "Marathon Man". Issss it safe yah?
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