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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
  2. So this is the little cutie you were talking about at Cultra. Very fine piece of engineering there Kirley!
  3. Weshty


    See you all at Stand 9. Garfield and friends may be bringing up some nice painted and finished SSM kits for perusing....
  4. Weshty


    I have a lovely SLNCR Lissadell, I'll bring it up
  5. Love it. The viaduct shot is just so on the money.
  6. Well done lads, some fair bit of research put into that I can see
  7. Weshty


    Hi David, look forward to seeing Arigna when I'm up there, when I get the chance to step away from my own stand!
  8. Wowzers, that's cool. Walther's used to do some but not as nice as these. The beet kits really look the deal Leslie, I'll be taking 12 thanking you very much.
  9. Nice. I like your approach. Flashbacks to doing the old Y33...
  10. My favourite two as always The D19 Kerry Bogie and the Bandon Tank. Mmmmmmmm.
  11. But will we get the stray sugar beets as well? Please?
  12. George's burger with an olive on a stick on the side? From the radio edit. Han: Listen old man, with a fast enough spaceship I can go as fast and as far as I want Obi Wan: Even the universe is curved, travel long enough and you will end up back where you started.
  13. The drone equivalent shot at 4:00 is excellent. Great backgrounds and foliage Kieran, it really give sit that realistic feel. Love the lineside shot 3:02 as well. Super stuff.
  14. The very best of luck Dave.
  15. JB, would love to be there, so fingers crossed. I'll definitely be getting the book.
  16. Some Venice Charter background for us non Frank Lloyd Wright hicks Conservation Article 4. Maintain it on a permanent basis. Article 5. Use it for a socially useful purpose and don't change the lay-out or decoration of the building. Article 6. Keep the traditional setting, without new construction, demolition or modification altering mass and colour. Article 7. Don't move the monument from its original setting/context unless absolutely necessary Article 8. Remove decoration only if it's the sole means of ensuring its preservation.
  17. Appointment of Administrators In the Birmingham District Registry No 8336 of 2016 GILBOW (HOLDINGS) LIMITED (Company Number 02193883) Nature of Business: Wholesale of household goods Registered office: SFP, 9 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, London E14 9XQ Principal trading address: 32 Woodall Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 4LG Date of Appointment: 05 October 2016 Daniel Plant and Simon Franklin Plant (IP Nos 9207 and 9155), both of SFP, 9 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, London E14 9XQ For further details contact: Michael Ginty, Tel: 0207 538 2222.
  18. A pint of plain will do fine. Thank you.
  19. Best summed up by Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=meme Used to give a bit of pseudo-academic gravitas to stupid viral stuff. A 'meme' doesn't have to be funny, provocative or even make sense. Willy Wonka's Sarcastic Face in the inventing room scene has provided the background to a lot of them. Gotta love this one.
  20. Sweeeet.
  21. Wonderful work Richie, I've looked forward to seeing your work on the Ammonias and the Barriers and by God, you've knocked it out of the park!
  22. Nice selection of stuff, some of the books seem overpriced and yet the OO models were undervalued at €100. Would love to know how it all went in the end.
  23. Lovely job Kirley, I take it this is the kit discussed in this 2013 thread? http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1918-GNR-Gardner-Resin-Bus-kit?highlight=gardner+bus
  24. Oh ding dong. Super stuff Leslie.
  25. Etched sides, etched sides!!! (Cough).
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